1| the most powerful person alive

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6 months.

It had been 6 months since Raven defeated her father. And she's never felt better.


It was a quiet morning for the Titans, all of them sitting around the table and enjoying their breakfast. Cyborg had a giant burger, Robin had ham and eggs, Star had a plate of mustard, Beastboy had tofu, and Raven just had her herbal tea.

"Anybody want some tofu?", Beastboy asks with a toothy grin.

"For the last time Grass Stain, nobody wants your blob of trash." Cyborg says through a mouthful of burger, rolling his eyes at his green friend.

"Rae, want some tofu?," the green boy asks the dark sorceress. Raven rolls her amethyst eyes at him before shaking her head. Beastboy moves closer to Raven, nudging her arm with his.

"Come on, Rae," Beastboy says, drawing out her name longer than necessary. Raven sighs as she gazes at Beastboy.

"No, thank you, Beastboy." Raven was trying to be nice, after all, her father was gone, meaning she didn't have to hold in her emotions and only show her anger.

Raven was talking to him in that voice. Her monotone voice, and Beastboy hated it. He had only heard Raven's actual voice a handful of times, and her monotone voice pissed him off. He didn't know why but over the years he's grown to hate monotone in general. He was getting angry.

"Rae, why won't you just trying it? Stop being rude!" Beastboy just wanted Raven to try something new. All she drinks is herbal tea.

Raven's eyes turned white and Beastboy knew he had pissed her off. Raven quickly got up and began making her way out of the room. Beastboy quickly got in front of her but she gently moved him with her powers.

"Rae, why won't you try anything new! You don't do anything for this team over than make sarcastic cracks at people and mope around!" As soon as the words left his mouth Beastboy regretted it, because that was a lie,

The truth was, Raven hadn't done anything mean for months.


Raven couldn't help but feel that Beastboy was right and she knew that it was just one of her emotions being dumb. Just as she thought that the alarm went off.

She'd show Beastboy useful she actually was.


It was Dr. Light up to no good. For him to be a doctor, he sure was dumb as hell in Raven's opinion. When they arrived, they were shocked to see that Dr. Light wasn't doing anything but standing in the middle of the street.

"Hello Titans," Dr. Light started with a smirk, "I bet your wondering why I'm-," "Get to the point, Light, we don't have all day." Robin cuts him off, glaring at the nut brain villain from behind his mask.

"Nice Robin, you ruined my speech. Anyways, I'm not here for all of you. I'm here for Raven." Dr. Light finishes with with a lopsided grin.

Everyone gasps, except for Raven, who just raises her eyebrow. Raven walks to the front of the Titans and is prepared to take Dr. light when someone grabs her arm. She turns around and looks at Starfire in question.

"Friend Raven, please do not do the trying of defeating Dr. Light on your own, you may get hurt." Star pleads with her friend. She doesn't want to see her best friend get hurt in anyway.

"I got this Star," Raven says making sure she makes eye contact with Beast boy, "I'm not useless." She finishes, before walking over to Dr. Light.

Dr. Light shoot a beam of light at Raven but she quickly deflects it with a shield and counter attacks with a disk of black magic. Dr. Light dodges it and slides around Raven. Dr. Light shoots another beam at her but Raven puts up a barrier that blocks his attack. They continue this game of cat and mouse until Raven gets mad.

"Fuck this playing nice crap," she mutters herself before chanting her mantra. He eyes glow white and she storms towards Dr. Light. He tries to dodge her but it's to late. A giant black fist appears in front of Dr. Light before it punches him hard. He goes flying into a close building. Dr. Light groans in pain as it feels like every bone in his body is broken.

Dr. Light peels his body away from the building and starts limping away. Raven chuckles at him before she tries something new. A puff of black magic wind appears around her hand and she throws it at Dr. Light. It send the villain flying 100 ft into the air. He hits the ground, with a sickening crash. The police arrive just then and escort the tall man into the the cop car.

"I'll be back for you, Raven!", he yells before the cops drive away.

Raven walks back to her shocked teammates, all of them with their mouths open.

"Close your mouths or a fly will get in." She laughs at their expressions before dark energy surrounds them and they faze through the ground and into the Titans Tower.

Raven starts walking to her room but not before looking at Beastboy and raising her eyebrows at him as in saying, 'whose useless now?'

Beastboy felt like an idiot. And that he was.


"Okay team, we need to figure out why every villain wants Raven." Robin says, worried about his purple friend.

Over the past few days, the Titans have been getting alarms 2 times a day and every single time they get to the crime scene, there is no crime. It's just the villains and they're asking for one thing.


"Perhaps they just want friend Raven to join they're side." Star inquires, trying to find a reason why the bad guys want her friend.

"If that was the case, they would have been after Raven years ago." Cyborg but's in, knowing that that isn't the reason.

"Maybe they want her to summon Trigon back." Beastboy says, glad that he could think of something. Over the past 6 months, Beastboy grew in height and intelligence and now doesn't do or says dumb things. He still cracks dumb, inappropriate jokes, though.

"Yeah but for starters, he was a demon. I can't bring him back to life even if I wanted to. I can really only bring back humans. Also, if I could bring him back, he wouldn't work for them. Trigon works alone," Raven quietly counters. Raven didn't know her father very well but if there's one thing she knew, it was that he was a backstabber.

"Ugh, Raven do you know why? Maybe look at you books or something." Robin was worried and thats a feeling he didn't like. Robin loves to be in charge and know exactly what's going on and not knowing why villains were after Raven was making him uneasy.

Raven racked her brain thinking and searching for a cause to this. And then it hit her.

"Guys the prophecy said that I was to be the portal for Trigon, correct?" Raven started.

"Well, yes friend Raven. From that you told us, that is the correct." Star was confused , wondering where her friend was getting at.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Beastboy asked. "Wait, BB she might be on to something." Cyborg said. He was pretty sure he knew where Raven was going with this.

"Raven," Robin decides to butt in, " What's supposed to happen in the prophecy is broken? Don't you get all of your fathers power?" Robin also knew where this was heading.

"Yes, friend Raven, now that Trigon is defeated that would make you..." Star was now on board as well as to where this was going.

Beastboy looked at his teammates as if they had grown two heads. He had NO idea what they were talking about.

"Yes, Star, that would make me the most powerful person alive."

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