9| you are my happiness

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Mating season was finally over, thank the gods. Raven was glad that Beastboy's eyes had returned to normal color but now she knew exactly what it means when his eyes darkened. Anna had been blowing up Beastboy's phone nonstop. He had to change his number.


But now things were back to normal.

Well, as normal as super humans get.

Today, Robin and Star were fighting. Why you ask? Star wants to go public with their relationship.

The only superhero couple that is public at the moment is Jinx and Kid Flash. And they are all over the news, posters, they can't even take a step outside without being bombarded. The worst part is that they get trashed talked on TV sometimes and Robin doesn't want that for him and Star.

"Starfire, I don't want to go public. What if the people talk about us?" Robin states as he paces the floor.

"I do not care, Robin, I want to be able to go get out without the having to hide our true feelings. Do you not care enough to do that for me?" Star was sad. She wanted to hold his hand in public and show the world her affection for him.

"I do care Star. That's why I don't want to go public, to protect your feelings." Robin sat a comforting hand on Star's shoulder but she pushed it away. She didn't want comfort, she wanted to go public.

"Why can't you do this one thing for me?" Star yelled as she moved away from Robin.

"I do everything for you!" He yells back. They continue to bicker as the rest of the Titans watch.

Cyborg shakes his head. "I'm glad Bee and I agreed on this subject."

"What'd you decide on?" Raven asked as she sipped her tea.

"We would go public when things start to get real serious. Like marriage serious." The half robot responded.

"Marriage? Isn't it a little soon?" Beastboy asked. They had only been together for about two months.

"Duh, grass stain, but I really like Bee and when we aren't in the beginning stages of our relationship, say maybe in 6 months, I wanna propose."

"So you love her?" Raven asked, smirking at the metal man. Cyborg blushed and looked away. "I'm not telling you that, you're one of her best friends."

Raven chuckled at him. "Whatever, Cy. I understand where Robin is coming from."

Beastboy raised his eyebrow at Raven. "How? You don't believe in love."

Raven rolled her eyes. "For the last time, dork, I didn't say I didn't believe in love. I said I don't want to fall in love."

"Well I think Star has a valid point." Beastboy countered. He understood why Star wanted to go public, she wanted to flaunt their love.

"I think she's being unreasonable."

"Okay, Rae, lets say that we were dating. If you told me that you didn't want to tell people, I'd feel like you were ashamed of me." Beastboy gave an insight as to what Star was feeling.

"Well, that's not why I wouldn't want to go public." Raven smoothly replied.

"Give me a valid reason. Give me a reason that wouldn't hurt my feelings." Beastboy challenged Raven. He was sure that she couldn't come up with something reasonable.

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