14| powerless

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Welcome back to my trash ass story!! I'm SORRY that I've been gone for a minute. Pls don't hurt meh. BIG THANKS TO giova_BBRAE4ever and fireysword . You guys voted on every chapter!! Ahh!!

I know you see that picture at the top 😏. There's a fucking chance that the OG Teen Titans could be coming back! This hasn't been confirmed, so don't take my word for it, but the producer said it's 'almost guaranteed'! He even tweeted about it!!

Anyways, to the story.

Unedited, btw.


The light from the fire reflected against the cave wall.

Raven awoke, feeling as if she was laying on clouds. Whatever she was laying on was super fluffy. She tried to get up but two furry green arms were wrapped around her torso, preventing her from moving. She tilted her head up to see a green bear sleeping, his head tilted backwards, slouched against the wall.

Raven softy smiles at the sight before she wiggled her way out of Beastboy's arms. She instantly felt a chill run over her body. Raven looked outside the cave. Snow slowly fell from the grey skies, floating around in the cool breeze before falling on the already coated ground. The cave they were in was barren, the only thing there was a well-built fire.

Raven rose to her feet and stretched. Her joints felt stiff, as if the cold weather was literally freezing her bones. She glanced at down at her attire and cringed. She was definitely not dressed for this weather.

"Raven, you're awake!" Raven's eyes connected with Beastboys elated ones. He turned back into his regular form with a relieved smile.
Raven quirked her eyebrow up at him.

"Why wouldn't I be? How did we get here?" Raven asked. The last thing she remembered was scouring the halls with Beastboy when the power went out in the tower.

Beastboy ran his hands through his already messy hair. "We were knocked out with tranquilizer darts. When I woke up, we were outside in the snow. I found you buried in the snow," Beastboy grit his teeth, sitting down on the ground, " Like she was trying to kill you. I saw this cave, built a fire, and tried to keep you warm."

Raven sat down as well, wrapping her arms around her shivering body. "Thank you, Gar. For saving my life."

Beastboy didn't respond. His trained eyes saw Raven shivering, she was trying to hide it. "Raven, come here."

Raven shook her head at him. "No need. I can use my powers to put on warmer clothes."

Raven stood up and chanted her mantra. She snapped her fingers, expecting clothes to appear.

Nothing happened.

Raven tried again but like last time, nothing happened. She tried to open a portal, she even tried to fly.


Raven's throat closed as she walked towards the opening of the cave. She chanted ancient words, trying to slow down time.


Raven fell to her knees, staring wordlessly at the falling snow. Fear flooded her body as her hands began to shake, a single drop of sweat trickled down her forehead.

Beastboy slowly approached Raven. "Rae, what's wrong?"

"I," Raven swallowed hard, "I can't activate my powers!"

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