12| the real Raven

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The next day Raven knew she had to act fast. She needed to show her team the facts and find Lilith. Another thing was, the girl that Lilith was pretending to be is being held against her will somewhere. They had to find her.

Raven opened her door to see Lilith already standing there. "Hello, Raven, going to tell on me?" Her sickly sweet voice drawled.

Before Raven could react, a cloth soaked in chloroform was placed over her nose and mouth. Raven's body dropped to the ground, completely passed out.

"Now you can't ruin my plans, you little demon." Lilith chuckled as she picked up Raven and headed back into her room. Lilith deployed her mechanical wings before she opened the window. She flew out the window, taking Raven far away.


Raven's eyes popped open, waking up after being out for 45 minutes. Raven surveyed the room, she was in some type of cell. The walls were made of brick, the room not very big. There was a metal door with 2 key holes in it and a dirty futon next to Raven. She tried to move but discovered she couldn't, her arms were chained behind her, metal coverings over her hands, preventing her from using her powers.

Raven grunted as tape was covering her mouth. She couldn't activate her powers until she said her mantra. Raven investigated herself, she didn't have any wounds, and judging by the fact that her outfit was still clean, she hadn't been here for long. Raven's eyes focused on the metal doors as heels approached it. Unlocking the door, Lilith stepped in, in her normal form. Lilith looked like an older version of Rose, with long blonde hair and a tall stature, and aged lines covering her face.

"Hello darling." She said in a motherly tone. Raven couldn't speak so she'd have to use telepathy.

"What do you want with me?"

Lilith laughed, a crazed look in her eyes. "You're powerful honey, your magic could bring me riches. Think how much money I could sell you for!"

"You'll never get away with this." Raven thought to Lilith, but Lilith just grinned.

Suddenly Lilith's body changed, it shrunk and her hair and skin changed colors. Her clothes turned into a leotard and a cape, with matching boots. When Lilith was done transforming, she looked just like Raven.

"Don't you see? I have a plan. I'll take down your team and once they are out of the way," Lilith moves closer to Raven, grabbing her chin, "I'll extract every single bit of your power."

Raven jerked her head away from her grip, sending her a death glare. "My friends will know the difference. Your plan won't work, you'll fail."

Lilith smirked sinisterly and Raven cringed. It was like looking in a demented mirror. "I've already gotten away with this. My biggest obstacle was you and now that you are out of the way, your friends are hopeless."

"So everything was according to plan, trying to kill yourself, dating Beastboy?" Raven countered back.

Lilith turned around. "See, Beastboy was my way in. You were too smart for me to trick and the others were in relationships. But Beastboy was too easy to trick. He's too trusting, too nice. To put it simply, he's an idiot."

Lilith smirked at Raven. "And I knew you'd save me when I jumped. You are one heroic demon, nothing like your father. Shame."

Raven glared daggers at Lilith as she headed towards the door. Lilith gave Raven a little wave before heading out the door, making sure to lock it. Raven pulled at her restraints, hoping to break free. She tried to remove the tape from her mouth put it was no use, the damn tape felt like it was superglued to her face.

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