16| lives on the line

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Everyone in the room was silent. Raven's life was at large, one mistake and she was gone.

"Now," Lilith started, " you're going to let me take the girl. And you won't follow me. Understood?"

"NO!" Beastboy yelled intinctly, "no. Your aren't taking her."

"Oh?" Lilith question cheekily, as she pushed the gun barrel into Raven's head, making her gasp in pain. "Did you forget who was in charge? Me! I make the decisions."

Lilith had a crazed look in her eyes as she stared them down. "For once, I'm in charge. I call the shots. And you're all going to listen to me."

Her eye twitched with power. Lilith was controlling the situation. She had finally did something right.

Rose knew what her mother was talking about. An idea struck her as she opened her mouth.

"I know this is a first for you. Ever since dad-."

"SHUT UP!" Lilith yelled, only to quickly compose her self, "your father has nothing to do with this."

"Yes he does." Rose argued, knowing how he affected her mother, "dad controlled our lives. He never let you do anything other than what he wanted."

"Shut your trap, girl. You know nothing." Lilith clenched her jaw, glaring at her young daughter. Her grip around Raven loosened, showing that she was getting agitated.

Robin's calculated eyes saw what Rose was doing. She was trying to get Lilith worked up, trying the get her distracted. Robin discreetly made eye contact with Rose, nodding, letting her know that he figured out the plan.

Rose began to slowly move towards her mother. "I know that dad used to never let you help with his evil plans."

She took another step.

"I know that he never let you help when it came to raising me."

Another step.

"I know that after I was born, he never said I love you."

Another step.

Rose cocked her eyebrow at her mother and tilted her head. "Did he ever even love you?"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Lilith was shaking in rage. She turn the gun from Raven to Rose in anguish . "You ungrateful little brat. You are just like him, cunning, with a big mouth."

Rose smirked at her mother. "Big mistake."

In a flash, Robin ran up with staff. He smacked Lilith's hand with it, making her drop the gun in pain. Seeing an opening, Raven grabbed Lilith's right arm and flipped her over her shoulder. Lilith collided with the pavement with a hard smack!

"Ugh!" Lilith shouted in agony. Cyborg run up behind her, picking her up, grasping her arms behind her back. Starfire flew into the air and speed towards Lilith. Her fist connected with Lilith stomach, pushing her to the other side of the room.

Lilith clutched her stomach. She was losing, she knew it. She knew what losing felt like, she'd been losing all her life. She was so close. Her plan was almost complete. Her thoughts were cut off when a knife flew past her face, centimeters from stabbing her.

A warning knife.

She looked up to she her daughter gazing at her in disgust. Rose shook her head, her eyes showing pity. Lilith bared her teeth before jumping at her only child. She threw everything she had at Rose. Punches, kicks, but Rose dodged all of it with ease.

Frustrated, Lilith tries to punch Rose in the face but Rose catches her fist. Rose twists her arm, turning it the other way.

"Give up, Lilith. It's over." Robin states, looking down at the battered woman.

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