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Y/N - Your name
L/N - Last name
Look - White spiky hair, Gold eyes

Clothes - Smart black suit with a plain white shirt, you wear this mask 

Clothes - Smart black suit with a plain white shirt, you wear this mask 

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This mask, ignore the fact I stole it from Professor Layton.

Semblance - the ability to work Miracles. (You can do things that aren't ordinarily possible, In reality. So, flying, curing diseases, turning people to stone etc. It'll make more sense in the story)

Weapon - Your weapon is a simple two handed sword with golden lining to the handle.

Backstory - You're just an ordinary child, until the age of 9, when your Mum starts to get ill. The doctors say it is impossible to cure and you and your sister don't know what to do. 

Late one night, you're sat with your mum, she is laying in the hospital bed asleep and you're holding her hands tight. Tears flood your eyes and you felt a burning sensation in your stomach. No matter how much it hurt you wouldn't scream for fear of waking your mother up. 

When the pain finally subsided, you saw that your mum was glowing gold, the same colour as your eyes. 

You felt everything go black and your head fell onto your mum's stomach.

You awoke to the doctors rushing into the room telling you that your mum was completely fine and that it was a miracle.

Your power grew from there.

At the age of 11, you learned how to control the power bestowed on you.

And at 13 you enrolled at Signal, there you created your weapon, not that you really needed one.

Signal is where you realised the true extent of your power and adopted the Miracle Mask. You was never great at speed or physical strength but you was very clever.

You chose a simple sword so people would under estimate you, and you use that to your advantage to take them in no time. 

You're currently unbeaten, at Signal Academy.

Your Dad was also a hunter before he went missing in action, and your mum had to make up the work tirelessly. Working herself to the bone usually.

Current age - 16 (year younger than Yang and a year older than Ruby)

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