Chapter 4 - First Night

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I'm going to be honest, Ozpin's speech was different to what I expected.

"But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy."

I don't know why, but that line really stuck out.

Suppose he isn't particually wrong, but I realised part way through that it was Ozpin staring back at me as I was stood on the bullhead.

He seemed to keep glancing at me as I stood at the back of the auditorium also, maybe it's my imagination and he's just glancing round.

After the speech was over we were told to go to the "barn".

It was basically a big room, though it'd be where we would all spend the first night of our adventure.

Until we find our teams at least, then we get a dorm room.

All the guys where shuffled into a changing room to get into our clothes, I'm not sure what happened with the girls, I assume they stayed in the barn and just got changed.

Once that was all over, a professor I hadn't met let is all out and we all had to find a place on the floor to sleep.

Not the most comfortable place to sleep, going to be honest.

I sat down against the wall and placed my pillow behind my lower back. I surveyed the room slowly, I saw the two blondes which had thrown up on the bullhead lay next to each other, they look like siblings? Or maybe just long time friends. One girl and one guy, I get the feeling this won't be the last I hear from them.

Eventually my eyes fell on Blake being talked to by Yang and Ruby, honestly it makes me feel slightly happy that Ruby is making friends. Yang would already have a lot of friends at Beacon since she moved up with all of her peers from Signal. Ruby however is a special case, and was never the most popular.

Lost in thought I didn't notice someone walk up to me and take the place next to me.

"Yo, is it alright if I sleep here?" His voice was really deep and suprised me.

"Sure, knock yourself out." I said, turning to look at him, and was shocked.

He was a really muscly guy, his top didn't really cover that fact.

"I'm Leon Saxton, pleasure." He said, before laying his pillow down and sitting next to me.

"I'm Y/N L/N, likewise."

I turned away from him and continued to look around assuming the conversation was over.

How wrong I was.

"So, Y/N." He started, "What brought you to Beacon?"

I leaned my head back and looked at the ceiling for a moment in thought.

I was really only here to complete my mission, but I can't tell this guy I'm with the White Fang.

"Just to become a hunter, I guess. My dad went MIA (missing in action) during a mission and never returned. How about you?"

"Well, technically I'm royalty." I gasped at what he had said but he continued like it was nothing. "But as a Faunas nobody wants me on the throne. So I'm here to prove to the world that I am a worthy leader." He hit is chest in pride and I finally realised why he was so muscly.

"You're a gorilla Faunas?" I asked.

"Yep, my Father, the king, had an affair with my mum a Faunas when he went missing for a while. He just snook out of the castle." He sighed and looked at the ring he had on his finger. "Now everyone is stressful."

"Well, Leon, you're at the perfect place to prove yourself. This is Beacon, arguably the greatest school for young hunters and huntress'."

He looked at me and have a huge teethy grin. "Thanks Y/N. Now I'm going to sleep, you make sure to get some too."

He then lay himself down and I heard him lightly snoring within seconds.

I wish I found it that easy to sleep.

I sighed heavily, I've been at Beacon for less than I day and so far: I've met the target of White Fang's leader, met the daughter of one of the biggest companies in the world, and met royalty.

Not bad for a nobody.

After a while everyone else was either asleep or lying down and I got myself up and left the barn.

I took out the ear piece and hit call.

Immediately the receiver answered.

"All going well?" Adam's voice hit me hard, and I finally realised what I'd gotten myself into.

"Yes, Beacon has been successfully infiltrated and I will be undergoing initiation tomorrow morning."

"Good, report again if anything comes up."

"Yes sir." I said and returned the ear piece to my pocket.

When I turned around however, someone I didn't expect to was stood there.



Oohh, Y/N has been caught.

Naughty naughty.

BTW, Leon is my OC and I might be writing a story with him as the lead later on. Who knows.

Oblivion, fading out.

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