Chapter 16 - Glynda's Assistant

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So, when we arrived back at school, I headed off away from my teammates and headed towards Ozpin's office to learn where I had to head.

And I never reached his office because I was grabbed by the collar.

"Mr L/N, this way." Mrs Goodwitch said though gritted teeth.

She practically dragged me down the corridor towards the arena, and to her first lesson. Which ironically, would've been my first lesson.


"As of today, I'll be teaching you, I guess." I said unenthusiasticly as I stood before the entire classroom. "I have no idea what I'm doing here so enjoy."

Glynda Goodwitch hit me round the back of the head with her riding crop, I think it's called before addressing the class once again.

"Mr L/N, has been chosen by Ozpin to help you master your Sebalance. However until we fit your new lesson into the timetable he will be assisting me." She did not seem happy about this arrangement, and to be completely honest, I wasn't suprised.

Trouble student on day one, Teaching assistant on day two. Doesn't look good for day 3.

The class went on like usual, Glynda asked Pyrrha Nikos to come onto the stage and the entirety of team CRDL. I didn't really know the extent of Pyrrha's fighting strength but if she was placed in this match up she must be strong.


I was correct, the 'dream' team of team CRDL was destroyed by Pyrrha, personally I was very suprised.

I could tell her sebalance was magnetism, she deflected blades easily and was very agile. This must be Ozpin's new Maiden...

"Mr L/N!" Glynda called out to me, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Any suggestions."

"Hmm, team CRDL didn't use a sebelance so I'm not going to comment on that, however your formation is wrong. Cardin you have great durability and can take a beating. You should've been up front making chances for the rest of your team to attack. Your mace is great for beating shields and causes heavy fatigue on the arm holding the shield so if you could've wore her down you would've had a chance. Whereas." After my long speech I turned to Pyrrha who stood there staring at me. "Pyrrha Nikos, you took full advantage of the fact that most of their team is fairly slow and picked them off one at a time, showing fighting skill and brains, only using your sebelance very limitedly. Very well done." That was the longest speech I'd ever done.

Everyone looked at me slightly shocked and well team CRDL was angry. "You! How dare you!" Cardin shouted at me, enraged at my decision to call him out.

"Well, you could fight me and try and prove me wrong." Loki took over and my eyes turned black, my Aura became visible, gold.

Cardin took a step back and went off to infirmary with his team, practically running away.

"Tsk, I was looking forward to a good fight." It's been a while since I've had a proper fight, 1v1.

"Mr L/N, that was overboard..." Pyrrha muttered to me as she left the stage, but she held a smile on her face as she passed me by.

I summoned myself as knife and was twiddling it in my fingers whilst Glynda gave a lecture to the class about position or something. I just sat back on a chair and wasn't paying any attention.

"Okay class, we have time for one more fight before the end, let's see... team RWBY vs ... Mr L/N? Would you care to fight?" FINALLY!

"Sure." I stood up and my mask appeared on my face and my black eyes showed.

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