Chapter 17 - Notes

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So, I decided that going to the library and checking every book would take way to long, so I came up with a compromise.

Search it online.

It made my life a whole lot easier.

The book it was from was called "Under The Stars" and was about a a boy and a girl that fell it love, suprise suprise, under the stars.

The entire premise of the book was just cliché however the ending was great, however it ended badly...

So after all that, why did Blake give me that page, what meaning did it have?

I'm sure she hasn't realised who I am, at least not when we first met. Maybe it was somewhere I was supposed to meet her?

In the book the main character and the girl first meet in the forest at night, I guess that was my first job.

However it was the middle of the day and I had so long to wait until night.

I left my room and started walking towards the forest, I had a lesson in about 30 minutes, that's plenty of time to get to the place where initiation occurred.

I wasn't even sure why I decided to go, she wouldn't be there yet, but I felt like maybe I could find something worth while.


Well I didn't.

I searched for the rest of the time and found nothing but a hell of a lot of Grimm.

I ran back to Class because Glynda would have my neck if I was late.


My next lesson was teaching a second year class, they had a few interesting students, one team did catch my eye though.

Team CFVY, they were a strange bunch, the one that caught my eye though was the Faunas girl. She didn't seem to have a particual weapon and instead took pictures of everyone around her, including me.

I didn't get to fight anyone this lesson which kinda sucked but I'd stretched my legs earlier so I wasn't going to complain.

Despite this, I didn't have much to do with the lesson so I just sat back and let Glynda do her job.

Once the lesson ended, everyone but team CFVY left and they walked up to me.

"We caught you looking at us kid." One of the boys said.

"You took great interest in us when we fought, especially little Velvet." The girl, I assume the leader from the way she let the line when they fought.

"Hmm, what about it?" I said putting my hands in my pockets.

"We want to know why, obviously." The leader said, dropping her handbag into her hand, I knew that was her weapon... they were threatening me, all of them ready to fight at a moments notice.

Except the Faunas, Velvet, she stood far back.

"Hmm, you four are simply top of your class and have good experience fighting together which showed during your fight." As I spoke they all relaxed slightly. "I'm just curious, I'm technically a teacher and my team will rarely get to fight with me." I laughed to myself and they all got sympathetic looks.

Damn it, am I that good at lying?

I'm scouting, and that Velvet girl has to be strong.

"We're sorry, we rushed to a conclusion. I'm Coco Adel, pleased to meet you Mr L/N." She lowered her head appologitically.

"We're sorry too." The boys said together before introducing themselves as Fox and Yatsuhashi.

"Um... I should appologise t-too." Velvet bowed the lowest.

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