Chapter 27 - Not Quite, maybe .5

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Well, that was boring, they were all well behaved twats...

So I headed back to Beacon to go and see what my team had planned for today.

However, they were all still asleep... and I'm the lazy one.

I didn't want to wake any of them up so I left again and headed towards the cafeteria to grab myself some lunch.

Yes it was Lunch time, my team are so lazy.

However when I got there...

"Y/N L/N." A voice that radiated strength boomed out over the entire room.

"Thor." I said, trying not to seem intimidated by the God before me.

As he wasn't controlling Yang this time he definatly seemed much more threatening.

Don't tell Yang I said that.

He was easily twice my height and seemed like a Giant.

"You are guilty of aiding a fugitive. You're hereby sentenced to death!"

I didn't even get chance to retort before I was hit with a hammer, and I thought Nora would hurt...


This is it for this first part of this book.

I'll be doing a book 2 for this at some point in the future, I'd give you a date but I'll forget sooo...

I hope you've enjoyed this, this was my first ever Fanfiction and I've enjoyed writing it so much.

I'll probably be writing a Tokyo Ghoul book next, so look forward to that.

Oblivion, fading out.

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