Chapter 13 - Revenge

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I broke down the door to the warehouse that the White Fang were hiding in and ran past all the dust, there was no members moving crates, it was almost abandoned.

Charging into the back room, I found my Uncle sat staring straight at the door to which I had entered, as if waiting for me.

"Y/N, you're here." He smiled, stand up.

"Y/N is no longer here." Loki said.

"Ah, I see." I turned around and started to walk away from me.

"Where is Cinder!" Loki screamed in my place, my mask appeared on my face.

"Hmm? Why do you want her?" He asked inquisitive stopping and turning around.

"SHE KILLED MY MOTHER!" I shouted, Loki let me get my feelings off my chest. "I WILL NOT LET HER GET AWAY WITH THIS!"

"Cinder didn't kill your mother Y/N." He said, sighing.


"Raven Branwen." Adam laughed as Cinder Fall walks into the room and I immediately ran over to her and grabbed her by the neck lifting her off the floor.

"Y/N! STOP!" Adam shouted as Cinder struggled against me.

POV 3rd Person

Cinder stared into the kid that was holding her's eyes, they changed from Gold to Black and she felt his aura strengthen tremendously.

She couldn't force any words from her lips as her neck was help tight, she was panicking.

"Y/N! Do not make me do this." Adam said, reaching for his sword.

"Y/N, no longer has control." Loki spoke hissing through the Miricle mask. "He wants revenge on his mother's killer, and she!" He grips onto Cinder's neck tighter. "Is the killer, we found her arrow in the wall."

"SHE WASN'T THE KILLER Y/N!" Adam charged at his nephew with his sword drawn but Loki just turned and blocked his attack with Cinder's body.

His sword went through her stomache and Loki dropped her to the floor.

Cinder coughed up a lot of blood as she lay on the floor.

"Uh oh, I can't have this, I wanted to kill her." Loki bent down and healed her wound and she stood back up quickly and backed away.

"Y/N, Raven framed Cinder. She wants you to fight us." Adam tried to reason with the little bit of Y/N still inside of that body.

"Why would she do that then."

"I'm not sure, I think she is trying to protect her daughters." Cinder spoke up for the first time, still holding her neck slightly.

"Who are her daughters." Adam felt more confident the more the conversation went on that he was getting through to Y/N, Loki was a God, he would already know the truth.

All Loki wants is revenge on the God's that imprisoned him, but he needs        Y/N's help to do that.

"Yang and Ruby, you know them." Adam said, and Y/N's eyes returned to Golden and he fell to his knees, his mask disappearing.

Tears flooded his eyes.

Neither Adam nor Cinder knew how to respond, but before they could Y/N had left, running away from the Base and back to Beacon.



I felt awful, I had attacked a innocent person, and almost had her killed.

I panicked and ran once they told me the truth. I didn't even know if I believed them, truthfully, I'm not sure if I trust Adam or Cinder.

When I arrived at Beacon, I panicked for a moment, my eyes were still full of tears and I didn't know how I would explain to the others where I had been.

What had happened to Maya too? What will happen to her? She no longer has anywhere to go...

I ran towards Ozpin's office, I felt like he was the only person that could answer my questions.

I arrived at the lift and as I went to press the button the doors opened and a tall man and a beautiful woman that looked like Weiss stepped out.

"Ah, sorry Sir." I stepped aside and let them passed. He seemed really important, I should probably recognise him and the woman with him.

"It's alright, kid." He said patting me on the shoulder as he walked passed. "Winter, is our bullhead ready?"

Winter... Schnee? Ah, that means this must be!

"Yes Ironwood, it's waiting for us at the exit." Winter said, as both of their backs disappeared around the corner.

Ironwood, leader of the atlas military.

I got into the lift and pressed the button, as it went up I struggled to keep my thoughts straight.

"Loki, stop it!" I growled and the God in my head stopped trying to force himself out. "We was wrong, you can take control when we find Raven."

Loki must have given up as he was quiet for the rest of the trip up.

"Ah, Y/N." Ozpin said, looking up from his scroll. "What can I help you with?"

"I'm sure by know you're aware of my mother and my sister, I only wish to know what's going to happen to my sister." I said, bowing my head slightly.

"Yes, I'm aware of your sister sneaking to Beacon too, I'm not going to stop her from seeing you, but she's too young for Beacon at the moment." He said before I interjected.

"Well Sir, neither am I, but you let me stay."

He thought for a moment, stroking his chin.

It was silent for a while, I created a ball in my hands and just threw it from one hand to the other.

"Okay, I have a proposal, I will have Akari L/N join your a team, becoming the first 5th member ever, but in return." His usual casual smile became an evil smirk. "You are to become a teacher at this school."


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been working on a project in real life so it's been hard to manage the both of them.


Will Y/N join Beacon as a teacher?
How will he find Raven?
What will happen to Y/N after his attack on Cinder?

Oblivion, fading out.

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