Chapter 24 - Better Life

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Today was Saturday, and I got woken up bright and early by my Scroll ringing.

I groggily declined the call and tried to roll over, but the caller was having none of it.

It rung again.

And again.

And again.

On the seventh time I answered it and screamed down the phone.


"Y/N, it's Cinder."




"No, go away." I hung up.

Again it rung.

I answer it straight away this time.

"I'm trying to sleep here." I said annoyed.

"I will go into Beacon, and burn your hair off."

I woke up.

"Hell no." I sat up and looked around my room, absolutely nobody was in.

They'd probably tried to wake me up... several times.

What can I say, I hate mornings.

"Why?" I mumbled down the scroll before I heard Cinder scream back at me.


Yep, I'm not going back there, Adam will kill me.

"Anywhere but the warehouse, Adam already wants me dead..."

Cinder seemed really confused by this.

"Why does he want you dead?"

"Um, long story, anywhere else we can train?" I rubbed my temple as I slowly stood up stretching my back.

"Yes, I'll text you the address, it'll be simpler."

With that she hung up.

I sighed and dragged my body to the bathroom to take a shower.

I'd done so much in these past few days and barely showered, I needed this.


After heading to the location that was texted to me I found... well a perfect armory.

There was everything you'd ever need, a gun, a sword, a shield.


I walked into a room and found Cinder shooting at a cut out of a guy.

As she was about to shoot I walked up behind her and grabbed her hips to make her jump.

She turned around and almost shot me threw the head.

Worst mistake ever.

"You moron." She muttered putting down her bow.

"Sorry, I didn't know you'd almost kill me!"

"You're the one that made me jump!" She seemed to have a much more carefree attitude than she did on the phone this morning.

"Ugh... I turned up." I opened my arms and she just sighed heavily.

"Yep, you're going to learn to shoot an arrow and kill someone."

Actually, I don't think I'd ever actually killed anyone before.

I was going to murder Cinder but apparently she was innocent...

Loki has kept fighting for control ever since then, I gave him full control and then took it all away in a moment.

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