Chapter 7 - You (part 2 (kinda))

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When I awoke I was sat leant up against a tree facing the corpse of the death stalker.

I rubbed my head, as it hurt like hell.

Looking around I saw a group of several people. I only recognised a few of them.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Maya shouted to me as I slowly got to my feet. "Slow down, let me help you." She ran over to me and supported me as I stood.

"Thanks kid." I muttered lightly as we limped over to the group of people.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Weiss Schnee was the first to notice my arrival.

"I've been worse." I said, readjusting my posture.

"That's good." Blake chimed in next, and I caught her eye for a moment.

Wait, we're is my mask! I reached up and my face felt bare.

"Your mask shattered and so did your sword, sorry Y/N..." Maya saw your actions and looked down apologetically. She had hidden her tail and ears infront of all these people, like Blake did.

"It's fine." I rubbed her head and stood up without her help, I was starting to regain my health.

Thanks to my sebalance I was good healing.

I stretched my shoulder and whined as it felt great. "Right then, we need to get back to Ozpin, surely initiation is almost over."

"Yep, we've got to get back quick." A boy I hadn't met before said simply before turning to the ginger girl next to him. "Let's go make sure no Grimm are in our path."

"Okayyy!" She shouted in agreement and they ran off towards the cliffs.

Everyone else slowly followed behind them until there was only me, maya, Jaune and the girl that was followed by the death stalker.

"Um, I think I owe you an apology..." Jaune said quietly, lowering his head. "If I hadn't bumped into you none of us would've been distracted..." I put a hand on his shoulder to shut him up. I was already sick of his grovelling.

"Man up already, we're still in a battle field. Apologies, thanks, everything comes later. Now move!" I shouted at him and he ran off following the others, the other girl right behind him and Maya just looked at me annoyed.

"He was only appolo-" She looked at my face and she immediately stopped. I was so confused.

"What is it?" I asked, calming down a lot.

"Your eyes, they went Black... it was scary." She said, shaking slightly.

"Ah, I'm sorry." I shook my head slightly and started walking away. "Fancy just flying back?" I asked her and she nodded.

I bend down and she jumped on my back. "Ready?" I asked.

"Ready!" She shouted and I jumped up and we flew up to the cliff face to see Ozpin once again.


"Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long. You four will form Team Rwby, led by... Ruby Rose!" Ozpin announced from the podium.

All of team Rwby looked shocked, Ruby herself the most, Yang almost knocked her over giving her a hug and Weiss just looked mad. Blake, like usual, was nonchalant about it all.

Focus Child.

A voice inside my head spoke and it pulled me back to the present, the hell was that.

"Y/N L/N, Maya Arc, Leon Saxton and Cali Justin. You four shall be known as T/N (team name) and will be led by Leon Saxton!" Ozpin caught my eye and smirked at me, as if trying to make me mad.

I couldn't think of a more perfect leader than Leon, even if I was slightly disappointed by not being leader.

We all got off the stage and got introductions started.

"Well, I'm Leon Saxton. My sebalance gives me enhanced strength and gives me a higher stamina too."

"My name is Cali Justin. My sebalance allows me to control fire and create it at will."

"My name is Maya Arc. My sebalance allows me to sense everything around me. And pinpoint my target."

"And finally, I'm Y/N L/N. My sebalance is called Miracle. I'm a god." A difference voice came out of my mouth and I felt something come over me and my legs gave way and I fell to the floor.

"Y/N!?" Maya shouted as she crouched down next to me. Though everything she said after that was inaudible. As I was surrounded by the voice in my head.


"Hello Y/N"

"Who the hell are you!?" I screamed.

"I am the God of mischief, Loki." I felt somewhere in my head, snap and I started laughing.

"So who am I?" I asked.

"You're my host, you get all the power you'll ever need, for a price." His voice was snake like, every sound was like a hiss. Intimidating.

But I couldn't give in.

"What's the price?" I asked slightly hesitantly.

"I get half of your body, don't worry you will remember everything I do." He said simply, like that was all I needed to hear.

"So when Maya said my eyes turned black before... that was you?" I asked.

"You catch on quickly, yes, I gave you a little bit of my power and you defeated that Grimm. Though if you host me, Grimm will bow to you. How does that sound?" His voice was so convincing, I had a hard time fighting off his words.

"I agree on one condition." I said, I understood why he was asking me for help. He needed me, as much as I needed him, he needed a host so he could explore the world.

"What condition?" His voice sceptical.

"I can control you, whenever you take over I have the power to force you back, just like you can take over me."

"Tsk, fine I accept your deal." He said, less excited about this trade than before. "You have fought off my silver tongue well, Mr L/N you will make a great host."


I jolted back to the present but felt his presence in my head. I looked around and realised we were still in the auditorium and the ceremony was still going on.

However, I was still on the floor, my head rested on... Maya?

"Y/N you're awake!" She squealed more quietly than usual, trying to avoid disrupting the ceremony.

"Yep, sorry for always fainting on you. This dick in my head just wanted a meeting." I said and she just looked at me stunned. Unsurprising really. "Oh yeah, I'm Loki the god of mischief."


Dun dun dunnnn

Italics will be Loki speaking from now on. Hopefully it will make sense.

Cali is another OC that ngl I made up on the spot, not sure how much relevance she will be, but we will find out.

Oblivion, fading out.

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