Chapter 21 - 12 backwards

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Well, I can safely say, the forest at night is still as dangerous as the day.

I couldn't even just fly over everything because Nevermores were soaring through the sky at every turn.

It was strenuous, and the worst part was, I had no idea where Blake would be, or if she'd be here at all!

I'd just pulled out a back handed sword and was stabbing a Grimm when I heard a female scream.

My eyes opened wide and I felt Loki completely take over. I sprinted to where the scream had been heard and found Blake stabbed in the arm by a guy.

"Enough!" Loki shouted at the man who turned to face me at that moment. "Uncle!"

It was Adam...

"Y/N!" Blake called out and hid behind me.

"Uncle what is going on!" Blake was too worried about being attacked again that she must have missed the first time I said Uncle.

"YOU'RE FAMILY!" She slowly back away from me but I ignored her and put all my attention on Adam.

"This doesn't involve you, leave." He spoke in a harsh tone, enough to make anyone, except me, stand down.

"You're attacking my friend, I am involved." I said in a monotone voice, I was really at the end of my patience, everything that had happened today had pushed me to my limits. "So I recommend you leave, otherwise we'll have a problem."

"Y/N, you work to me, BELONG TO ME! You cannot deny me." He shouted, clearly angry at me defying him.

"Leave now." Loki spoke and Adam shivered, he knew what sort of strength I had.

"Fine, but I will remeber this Y/N L/N."  He turned and ran away, and I left out a huge sigh and fell to my knees.

"Y/N... are you okay?" Blake came over to me, a hand on her damaged arm.

I turned around and put a hand on her wound without saying anything.

She yelped in suprise and pain but soon started to relax as I used my powers to heal her.

However the opening from the sword appeared on my arm, the same arm as my wrist...

"What are you doing!" She cried as she noticed all my injuries.

"I'm healing you so shut up." I said simply and she did as I said.

Eventually her wound had completely closed and I released her, the golden glow surrounding me disappeared.

She sighed contently and relaxed.

"Y/N, h-" She tried to ask about Adam but I put a finger to her lips.

"Our little secret, I don't mention this and neither do you. I'll just say I went for a walk and got this injury after fighting a Nevermore or some shit."

She nodded her head silently and I noticed she didn't have her bow on her head, before I arrived she must have removed it... maybe to reveal herself to me?

But why me, she had better friends and when she gave me the note she had only seen me once, something was different.

"Blake, why did you give me the note?" I asked as we walked back to Beacon.

"What note?" She asked, clearly confused.

"On the first day of school, you left a page of a book in my pocket. It's what led me here tonight."

"Oh, I just wanted to test your perception, leading you here is just a fortunate coincidence." Her smile was insanely mischievous but I knew she wasn't lying.

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