Chapter 19 - Security

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"Obviously with you already mostly knowing your way around the school, I'll keep this tour brief. I'll take you to all the places that people and... important things are going to be during the festival." I said, having to pause to stop myself from disclosing information.

"That sounds perfect." The rest of the soldiers had stayed at the bullhead and is was just me, Ironwood and Winter.

I took him to the cafeteria, the stadium where this event would be taking place and finally we started heading to the tower in which Amber lay.

"This is the final place on our tour, you know what is here." I stood at the door and turned to address them.

"Yes, everything we see will remain confidential." Ironwood said, he seemed a lot more down to earth on the tour, a lot like we were equals, which honestly we weren't.

I opened the door and let them both in, they must have never seen the maiden before as they both gasped upon seeing her. I closed the door to make sure no one overheard us.

"Quite upsetting..." Winter lowered her head as Ironwood patted her shoulder gently.

"That's why we must protect her, I have a feeling that White Fang have been planning something big." I hit call on my earphone and Adam picked up.

I let him listen in to the entire conversation they were having, they talked about where they men would have to be stationed and how to make it less obvious they were guarding anything.

As soon as they finished talking I clicked the button on my earpiece and ended the call, all three of us left the room and went outside to the courtyard to end the tour.

"Thank you for showing us round, it was really helpful." Ironwood said gratefully and I nodded my head slightly. The final lesson was going on inside the school and it would finish soon so they were leaving so no attention would be brought to them.

"It's been my pleasure, please come and visit again." I watched them both off as they headed towards their bullhead to go back to Atlas. I hit the call button again and Adam almost immediately picked up.

"You've done well Y/N." His voice felt so powerful. "I will ignore your disruption of the attempt on Ironwood's life, but if that happens again, it won't go down as well."

I stayed silent and he continued as if he hadn't just threatened me. "Stay low until the festival, postpone your mission to find my lover too, as much as I hate it, your cover is very important."

He said all this through gritted teeth, he must really like Blake, I wonder what really happened between the two off them.

He ended the call and I finally removed the piece from my ear and stared at the blue sky.

However, the bell pulled me out of my thoughts and I started to walked to Ozpin's office to tell him about everything.


"I see..." He lowered his glasses and looked at me. "He was attacked by someone, and how was your wrist broken?" He asked and honestly I looked at my wrist forgetting it was even damaged.

"Ah, in the panic a young child was injured, I just healed him and well this is is consequence." His eyes opened wide in shock for a moment before he returned to normal.

"That's very valiant of you, you took charge and that requires a lot of bravery even if it was only in a minor moment. I'm impressed, maybe I made a mistake not making you the leader of T/N."

This time it was me that was shocked, one thing I'd learned about Ozpin is he never doubted his decisions, giving Ruby team leader, Jaune team leader. He'd done that despite the implications, he never once doubted they were the bad choice.

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