Chapter 15 - Returning Home

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Once everyone left the dorm room, I lay on my bed. They had kept asking questions, how did she become a member etc.

It was not fun, it felt like an interigation. Though I managed to keep the fact that I was going to become a teacher a secret.

"Akari, you can have my bed, until yours comes." I said standing up and stretching. "I have a spare blanket and pillow."

"But Y/N, you'll get cold." My dear not sister Maya complained as Akari leaped into my bed, we were going to collect her things tomorrow morning so for now she was wearing my bed shirt which was way to big for her.

"I'll be fine Maya." I smiled at her before walking into the bathroom to get changed. Leon followed in behind me.

"Y/N." He said quietly, clearly trying to avoid being heard.

"What's up?" I asked turning to face him.

He took his top off and revealed his big hairy chest. To hairy to be human, one of the only signs he was a Faunas.

"I wanted to ask... you see..." His face flushed and I realised what was happening.

"You like one of the girls." I laughed.

"Shhh, I don't want anyone to hear." Leon hissed at me, clearly embarrassed.

"So who is it?"

"Um... Weiss Schnee..." I was slightly shocked, though him liking an heiress made a lot of sense.

"Well, befriend her then, clever clogs." I patted his shoulder and brushed my teeth, even if I'm evil I still need good hygiene.

"I-I..." This guy never stutters he must really feel embarrassed.

"Look, you're in line for the throne, handsome, strong. Girls will be throwing themselves at you. Just you wait." I winked at him and left the bathroom, heading for my spot on the floor.

Maya was sat up reading a book, from a glance I guessed it was medicine book, Akari was playing a game on her scroll, and Cali was asleep.

My bed for the night was between Maya and Akari's beds and I immediately closed my eyes, I was so tired after the eventful first day at Beacon. 

As I slowly started falling asleep, I felt someone or something move up against me, it was warm.

I unconsciously wrapped my arms around it and held it close, though that's the last thing I remember as I awoke the next morning.


"Wakey Wakey." I felt someone poking my nose and it was irritating.

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed Akari knelt down in her new school uniform. I lifted my head up slowly and noticed everyone else was asleep.

"Why did you wake me up so early!" I whispered annoyed at her.

"Because we have to collect my clothes, I'm wearing Maya's spare uniform." She said standing up and spinning on the spot to show off.

"Fine, I'll get changed." I stretched and headed towards my drawers and pulling out some clothes before going into the bathroom.

After about 3 minutes of changing and messing about with my hair, my hair took most of the time yet still decided to be frustrating, I walked out and saw Maya talking to Akari.

"Morning." I said quietly, still trying to refrain from waking Leon and Cali up.

"Good Morning Y/N." Maya said smiling at me.

"Ready to go?" I turned to Akari and she jumped to her feet.

"Yes, we need to hurry so we can be back in time for school." She said and I realised I was teaching this morning too, fuck.

"See you later Maya." I waved as we left the room and headed home, once again.


Once the bullhead landed, the walk to our house was fairly short, it took maybe 10 minutes.

We talked about a lot, though for the first time ever, she explained her sebalance to me.

"It's not really that complex, I can just turn invisible." She demonstrated and I felt something heavy land on my back.

"A piggyback really?" I said and I heard her giggle.

She turned visible and we went the rest of the journey like this, and I was happy to be with my sister again, back to how it used to be.

However, when we arrived at the house, everything felt grim, this is where our mother had been murdered. Nothing can change that fact.

Maya got off my back and headed inside first to collect all her things, officially I'm the new owner of this house, well I will be.

Being the next of kin and all.

For now Qrow is looking after it for us, though he's at Signal teaching at the moment.

The entire house has been tidied and cleaned making it seem like nothing had happened here, I entered the building and heading into the kitchen to grab breakfast.

I took my blazer off and placed it on the back of the chair and raided the fridge.

It was full of alcohol, of course, but it had bacon, eggs and milk. The basics.

I was never the best cook, but I could do the basics.

I put some bread in the toaster and unbuttoned the top button of my shirt, lowering my tie. Making myself more comfortable.

I still refused to wear the school uniform and wore my own clothes, so far, no complaints.

I took out two frying pans and cracked an egg into one and left that for a moment and lay the bacon on the other.

As the smell of nice food raced around the house, so did my sister who ran down the stairs.

"What you making?" She asked slyly, sitting down at the table with her bag.

"Bacon and eggs on toast, want some?" I asked and she quickly nodded her head. "Can you get some glasses out and we can have some orange juice, I'd offer you Qrow's drinks but yeah." I muttered realising she was only 13.

"It's fine, Orange juice it is." She headed towards the fridge and pulled out the juice and then to the cupboard for the glasses.

After I was finished cooking we sat down at the table and dug in.

A real home meal, it felt just like old times, except there was only two of us left...


So reminiscent of an old time.

Sorry I write a lot of seemingly filler chapters, but I enjoy making the story as developed as I can.

And you get some quality time with your sister.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

15 chapters and only on day 2 of Beacon.

Oblivion, fading out.

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