It's finally lunch time. The only time I have to myself without anyone making fun of me. I am currently sitting by myself on one of the benches outside the cafeteria. This is where I usually sit, no one really dares to bother me out here. I think in a way it's better that I'm out here rather than being inside.I can't believe how hungry I am right now, come to think of it I don't really remember eating this morning. Here, I won't have to see anyone eat their lunches. I was going to use my last paycheck to buy grocery so I can have food for lunch. But since my father took it, I was pretty much out of luck. I guess, I'm going to have to use my money from my savings to buy some grocery. I just wish I have a car so that I won't have to walk an hour just to go to the store.
I was so engrosed on my own thought that I didn't even noticed a figure sitting next to me until I saw a sandwich being given to me. I looked and it's the new guy from my class.
I shook my head and moved towards the other end of the bench.
"Don't worry, I'm not here to try and poison you. Just take it!" he said still offering me the sandwich.
I shook my head again.
"You don't talk much do you?" he asked me.
I grabbed all my stuff and got ready to leave but he stopped me.I flinched from his touch and I guess he noticed it too.
"I'm sorry! I'm not here to scare you. I just want to be your friend. You seem like a nice girl, so I thought hey why not ask her if she wants to be my friend."
"I think it's best if you leave me alone. Trust me you don't want to be my friend." with that I ran back inside to go to my class leaving him dumbfounded.
As much as I wanted to be his friend, I'd rather not. I don't want him to get caught up with my own mess. I'm not really sure why he wanted to befriend me. He can have any friend in the world if he wanted to but why choose me? I'm just hoping that he gets the hint that I really don't want to talk to him.
I arrived in my History class with 15 minutes to spare. So I sat down on my usual seat and decided to take a fifteen minute nap.
I woke up from the sound of second bell signalling that class is about to start. I pulled my head up and tried to composed myself when a voice got my attention.
"Good morning sleeping beauty!" I whipped my head towards where the voice came from and I saw Brandon staring down at me.
"You don't ever give up do you?" I asked him.
Instead of answering me, he just simply smiled at me.
After that the rest of the day was uneventful. When the final bell rang, I sprinted out school and started walking back home. I might've been suffering from a tunnel vision because I didn't even notice a car pull up next to me and my name being called.
"Angela! Hop in!"
And guess who it is? Yup! You guessed it right. Brandon.
"Thanks but no thanks! I don't leave too far." I told him
"I insist! Please, if you don't want to be my friend, just at least let me give you a ride home. Just this one time." he insisted. Well, I guess. If it means of him leaving me alone, I'm willing to take that chance.But I'm just not too thrilled of getting home, because I know if dad sees him, he'll probably be ten times angrier than normal.
"Ok. but only this one time."
His face lit up and gave me an award winning smile. "Got it!"
I stepped inside the car awkwardly and buckled my seat. There was a long moment of awkward silence. I didn't know what to say and I dare not to say anything to him. So I just looked outside the window and kept quiet.
"How come you don't talk to anyone?"breaking the silence.
I looked at him and smile then I stared back at the window. The whole ride home, I spoke was when I had to give him the direction to my house. Looking at the already familiar neighborhood, I started fidgetting. Scared that my father might be outside the house waiting for me.When he pulled up at the driveway, my worst nightmare was already waiting for me.
Standing by the front door, with all his mighty glory. Brandon parked the car and I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt.
"Thanks for the ride." I tried to quickly open the door before he can say anything but he beat me to it.
"Is that your dad? He seems like a nice person."he said
Nice? Well, that's something new. He has to idea how cruel that guy can be.
"Yeah, he is!" I lied giving him a fake smile. I got out of the car and quickly ran towards the front door but my father grabbed my arms.
"You little whore! Why don't you wave goodbye to your little friend. You'll never know this might be the last time you'll ever see him." he whispered in my ear.
I looked at Brandon and saw that he's already pulling out of the driveway, he saw me look and I gave him a wave goodbye. As soon as his car was no longer in sight, my father forcefully grabbed my hair and shoved me inside the house.
"You bitch! Who was that? Was that your boyfriend? Huh? I wonder what he's going to do when he sees your bruised up face tomorrow." he said. With the smell of alcohol coming from his breath. I knew this one is gonna be one hella of a beating again.
I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow, since I still have some fresh bruised from yesterday.
He raised is right hand and slapped me across my face.
"I swear, I wish you're the one that died and not your unborn sibling. Your mother would've still been here if it wasn't for you that was so eager to get to school on time. She should've never had that miscarriage. And now look what you did! She had to take her own life because she couldn't cope up with her depression!" he yelled. Venom was clearly on his voice.
He then pushed me down to the floor with full force that I stumbled landing down on my face. He stepped on back then yanked my hair making me look at him upside down.
"Don't you dare tell him what goes on in this house. Or else I will kill you! Got it?"
Unable to speak, I tried to nod my head. He then shoved my head down letting it go making my nose hit the floor hard. Then he went upstairs leaving me their laying in the middle of the living room floor.

Teen FictionThey said that there's nothing like the love of your own parents. Well for the 17 year old girl Angela, it's completely the oppossite. She's being physically abused by her father. With no one to turn to, she keeps everything to herself. Afraid that...