[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry guys this ones a bit too short. But it contains a very important info. I'll try to make the next one a little bit longer.
I'm a bit sad because few more chapters and this story will be coming to an end. :(
Thank you guys!!!
Thank you
After my conversation on the phone with Patrick, I told my mom about what it. I still can't believe that Angela's missing. She just stopped by not too long before I went to her house. I really regret the time that I didn't just talk to her. I am such a fucking idiot!
I told my mom that we're not calling the police, as of this moment I really don't trust them, I think I'm still having some trust issues.
I grabbed Angela's bag and searched through it hoping for some clues on to where she could be. I saw her phone and looked through it. I then checked to who was the last person she talked to. I was completely taken aback when I saw James name on her phone.
I didn't really thought of that, now that I think about it, yeah he might have something to do with her disappearance. I dialed his number from her phone and took about 4 ring before someone answered.
"What do you want Smith? How's our plan doing?" he asked
"What plan?"I asked him.
"Who's this?"
"That's not important! What plan are you talking about?"
Awaiting for his answer but before suddenly the line went dead. That asshole hang up on me!
I woke up feeling the most excrutiating pain ever. I opened my eyes and noticed that it was dark. What time is it? Where am I? I was about to get up but I noticed that I am tied up. I was about to scream for help but a voice interrupted me.
"Ah ah ah! I wouldn't scream if I were you." the voice that is oddly familiar said.
"Where am I?" I asked trying not to cry.
"A place I called hell!"
Then suddenly memories of what happened earlier came flooding back and hit me like a ton of bricks. Argument with Brandon, leaving his house, going back home, then going to Brandon's again to apologize, then- oh my god! My father.
"You remember I see!" the familiar voice said.
I tried to squinting my eyes to see who it was but it was too dark for me to figure who it is.
"Why am I here? Who are you? What do you want from me?"
"Slow down with the questions, now you'll be the good girl like you are and do as I tell you."
"Why would I want to do that? You might as well kill me."
"In a rush do die I see. You'll get there one way or another but not yet. I want you to slowly die in agony, here you scream for my name while I slowly kill you."
As much as I want to cry my eyes out, I didn't . I don't want to show him the satisfaction of killing me. I thought very hard trying to remember that voice. I tried remember who own that voice. Then suddenly my face paled, I remember now. James.

Teen FictionThey said that there's nothing like the love of your own parents. Well for the 17 year old girl Angela, it's completely the oppossite. She's being physically abused by her father. With no one to turn to, she keeps everything to herself. Afraid that...