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After talking on the phone with Patrick, he decided to come down here. No matter how many time I read him Angela's letter, he still didn't believe it. He said that their dad hates Angela with passion that he will never take care of her.

I stood up from Angela's bed and walked out of her room but I took one more glance of my sorroundings before I head downstairs to leave.

I went outside locking the door behind me.

"Hi! Are you Brandon?" a voice from behind me asked.

I looked and saw a petite woman about mid twenties with a long black hair.

"Yeah?" I said sounding more like a question.

"Uhm I thought you should know about the people that leaves here."

I gave her a sarcastic laugh before turning around to leave.

"Wait! I saw her being dragged away by two men!"

I stopped my track and froze, that definitely caught my attention. I turned around to face her.

"What do you mean by 'she was being dragged by two men'? Do you know who were the two men?"

"I only recognize one of them which is her dad. I live next door, I was watering my plants in my backyard when I heard Angela scream. Then I quickly hid on the side to peak and see who was abusing her this time since I thought her father was on the run. Then when I saw another guy maybe about the same age as you. He went inside the house and when he came outside he was with Angela's dad and they dragging her forcefully while covering her mouth. All I heard when she had the chance to scream was the name Brandon. So I kind of thought that Brandon is you since you're here at her house." she explained.

"Did you see where they took her?" she shook her head.

I sighed. Just when I thought I finally had a lead as to where she is, it going to end up in the dead end again.

"But...I did had a chance to write down the car liscense plate. I put it on my phone. Do you want it?" she asked.

Do I want it? Is this chick a nut case? Of couse I want it.

"Yeah I do. And do you recognize the other guy?"

"He's about as tall as Angela's father, a little bit built, dark hair."

One name popped in my head, James.

"Okay thanks.I'm sorry I didn't get your name-"

"Janice.My name is Janice" she responded while giving me a flirty look.

Seriously? This chick is seriously insane. Do I look like I'm looking for someone to hook up with right now? That's the least of my concern, the important thing is Angela. I need to know where she's at.

"Ok Janice, thanks!" I said while giving her a flat look.

When she finally noticed that she's  not getting anything from me, she then decided to finally give me the liscense plate that she save on her phone.

After I thanked her, I then left Angela's house and once again updated Patrick about the info that I just got. Of course he told me the 'I told you so' line.

I then called my Uncle that lives about two states away and asked for his help. My uncle is a private investigator so he'll be able to help me track the car that Angela's dad used to kidnap her.

"yeah, just give me about a couple of days and I'll have something." he explained.

"No no no Uncle! I don't have two days. This girl might be dead by the time I get to her. Please I need this as soon as possible." I begged

"I'll see what I can do okay?"

I nodded before realizing that he can't see me.

"Okay, but please I'm begging you I need this today."I begged again trying not to cry.

"This girl really means alot to you huh? Because if she didn't you would've called the police by now." my uncle asked

"She means the world to me. I don't know what I would do if she dies, and I can't call the police. I don't know how much I can really trust them to do their job properly." I explained.

"Okay then, let me do my job. I'll call you as soon as I get something." he said.

"Thank you!" then I hang up the phone.

I started pacing back and fort inside my room. I'm getting a little aggetated by the second. I sat on my bed and grabbed the picture frame that I have on my bedside. It's a picture of me and Angela when she and I went to the beach. It was when she gave me a kiss on my cheek while I take the picture. I traced her face with my finger, it was then I noticed that I was crying.

I closed my eyes and picture her in my mind, wearing her beautiful vibrant smile. That she's telling everything is going to be okay.

My phone started ringging cutting me off of my daydream. I looked at my phone and a little shock when I saw the time. Three hours? I've been sitting here for three fucking hours? Where has the time gone by?

I heard my phone ring once again, just then I realized that it was my uncle on the phone. I quickly answered the phone.

"Please tell me you've got good news." I said not even bothering to say hi.

"I do, I was able to tracked down the liscense plate you gave me and I called one of my buddies at a station about one town after where you live. And the car that you're looking for is not too far from where you're at right now. It's only about five minutes drive. My buddy said that the car is currently still sitting their. I kind of told him what happened and he called for back up. But don't worry, I told them not to do anything unless you get their. You be careful boy. We don't want anything to happen to you now."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"I said while writing down the address he gave for me as to where the vehicle is.

"You owe me one on this!" I can't help but to roll my eyes at him not even caring if he can't see me.

"Okay whatever. I got to go! Thank you again Uncle." I said before hangging up the phone.

MY SO-CALLED LIFE [SLOWLY BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now