"Now that's all clear should we put our plan into action? Would you like to do the honour of ripping her clothes off dad?"
"Nah! I did it the last time son, why don't you have the taste of it?I'm pretty sure you've been dying to do it."
I backed away hitting the wall in the process. I closed my eyes and hugged myself while pleading them not to do it. The next thing I know after opening my eyes, James pulled my legs and ripped my clothes off.
After I got off the phone with my Uncle, I was out of the house and on my way to where Angela's at. It shouldn't be too far from my house, I know exactly where it's at. In less than five minutes, I finally arrived and saw a whole bunch of police cars and S.W.A.T team sorrounding the premices.
I got out of my car and ran towards the front of the building. But before I could even go inside one of the police stopped me.
"You shouldn't be here! What's your business here?" he asked
"I'm Brandon, my uncle was the one that phoned you guys to be here. I need to save the girl in their." I explained.
"No kid! I can't let you in their. It's too-" but I interrupted him.
"Listen, either you let me in or I will let myself in! You choose." I snap
"I can't let you in kid, the scene inside is not too pleasant.We should know, we already have one of the S.W.A.T team inside and-" but I cut him off again.
"But nothing! With all do respect officer, I would like to rescue the girl that I love by myself with or without your help. If it wasn't for my carelessness she wouldn't even be in the hands of her cruel father. Now, let me ask you this, if the person inside their is someone you love, wouldn't you do the same thing? Wouldn't you want to help her yourself?" I ask trying to convince him to let me through.
He sighed. "Okay I'll let you in, but I need to have somebody go with you. It's very dangerous in their." I just nodded.
After the police officer called another police to guide me inside we finally made our way to get Angela.
As we enter the building, carefully not making any noise. Inside we saw one of the guy from the S.W.A.T team and he nodded at the police that was with me, as if telling him that it was safe to move on.
We were silently making our way into one of the room when something or rather someone caught my attention. It was Angela screaming.
"No! No! Please, stop!"
That bastard better not be touching her or I will kill him myself. I heard another scream. That's it! I quicken my pace ignoring the protest of the police officer behind me. I could care less if they put me in jail after this but for now, all I care about is that girl in their.
I finally got infront of the room and I kicked the door open. What I saw after opening the door made me want to instantly kill the person on top of her.
It was Angela laying on the floor completely naked and James on top of her doing the dirty deeds.

Teen FictionThey said that there's nothing like the love of your own parents. Well for the 17 year old girl Angela, it's completely the oppossite. She's being physically abused by her father. With no one to turn to, she keeps everything to herself. Afraid that...