[A/N: This chapter has not been edited yet. Actually none of the chapters are. I will edit everthing once I finish the whole story. :)]
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After I took Angela home yesterday, I couldn't help but worry about her. The look that her dad was giving her yesterday tell me that he's up to no good. So today, I'm going to talk to her when I see her in class.
I got up and got ready for school. I usually take my time getting ready but today, I couldn't wait to see Angela. I went downstairs and quickly ate my breakfast. I grabbed a toast and shoved it in my mouth.
"Well good morning to you too honey! And please help yourself and make sure you don't choke." my mom said while giving me a weird look.
I shrugged and continued eating. After eating my breakfast, I grabbed my keys and said bye to my mom. I got inside my car unable to keep still. I don't know what's gotten into me, but I just feel like something isn't right. I shook the thought off and made my way to school.
When I arrived at my school, I got out of the car and quickly made my way towards where the place I know Angela could be at. The classroom. I walked in my classroom with almost ten minutes to spare, I looked around around and noticed she wasn't here yet. Maybe I came in too early. So I sat on my usual seat and waited for her.
When the first bell rang, I looked and noticed that she still wasn't their. Maybe she's sick. Yeah that's it! She's sick, I said trying to convince myself.
After the tardy bell rang, my teacher started doing the roll call and he noticed that Angela wasn't here.
"Does anyone know what Miss Smith's whereabouts?"he asked the class
"Who cares about that freak? " Allison said.
"If you don't want to land on the detention center I suggest you watch your mouth Ms. Jackson." my teacher yelled.
"Maybe she was sick?" I said.
"No, she can't be sick, that girl has not missed a single day since her high school life started. She comes in no matter how ill she gets." he explained.
I knew after hearing what my teacher said that something is definitely not right. I need to get out of here so I can go to her house to check and see if she's ok. I excused myself to go to the bathroom.
Once I got out of the classroom, I quickly made my way into my car and sped off the school parking lot. I pulled up to her driveway and I got out then I run towards the front door.
I started banging on the front door not really caring if her father gets mad. After about a couple of minutes of no response, I stepped back then looked up her window to see if she's anywhere in site. That's when I saw her, staring out the window, looking really pale and seems like she's been crying.
Then suddenly, she fell and hit her head againts the wooden panel of her window. I ran back to the front door and kicked it to bust it open. Then I ran upstairs searching for her room. The minute I found her room, I opened it and that's when I saw her laying on the floor pale as ever.
I checked for her pulse, good thing she was still breathing but it was a very faint pulse. One thing caught my eye, a bathroom cleaner that's tipped over resting by her foot. I grabbed my phone to call for help. In a matter of minutes help finally arrived.
When the ambulance arrived, they quickly took her and then put her inside the ambulance while one of the guy interviews me.
"What's your name son?" he asked
"Brandon Tomlinson"
"How are you related to her"
"I go to school with her"
"And what where you doing inside her house?"
"I don't really know, all I know was I felt like something was wrong. My teacher said that she never missed a day in school. And it just seems a bit odd for her to be really ill because I just saw her last night."
"Ok, do you know where her parents are?"
"Her mom died when she was nine and her father, I really don't know. But he seemed pissed off at me after I dropped off his daughter last night."
And I know she doesn't have any siblings, well not that I know of at least. She didn't mention anything to me.
"Is it possible if I go in the ambulance with her?"
"I'm sorry but since you're not a family member I can't let you. But you can meet us at the hospital if you like."
I nodded then I went in my car to follow them at the hospital.

Teen FictionThey said that there's nothing like the love of your own parents. Well for the 17 year old girl Angela, it's completely the oppossite. She's being physically abused by her father. With no one to turn to, she keeps everything to herself. Afraid that...