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the sound the wind blowing, the snow falling around the couple. millie danced around, kicking up snow in the air with a happy grin on her face. finn admired her lovingly, walking behind her. "finn, this is beautiful, isn't it?" she smiled, looking around the park. the trees covered with snow, millie was in love with their view.

finn agreed, but he was talking about her. she looked perfect to him. she quickly grasped a ball of snow, throwing it at the teenage boy's face. "shit!" finn laughed, grabbing a handful of snow and throwing it at her back. mills shrieked happily, continuing the snowball fight.

the two laughed loudly, repeatedly throwing the balls of snow at each other. they both had snow all over them by the end, and both had a huge smile on their faces. millie giggled before leaning against a tree, closing her eyes with a grin on her face. finn stood next to her, slinging his arm around her shoulder. together, they stood against the tree, shivering madly but each other's company made them feel warm inside. with a grin, finn grabbed millie's chin, pressing a kiss to her lips. millie smiled in the kiss, throwing her arm around his neck and the other holding his jaw.

finn held her waist, tilting his head to the side. millie pulled away for a breath of air, and finn breathed too. she grasped his hand before pressing a final kiss to his lips. finn just sighed happily, thinking to himself. "i'm not proposing to don't run away." finn started, making millie giggle.

"uh, i don't know how to put my feelings into words, and i don't know how to explain how i feel when i'm with you but, i love you, a lot. i'll never stop caring for you..." finn spoke, thinking to himself before continuing.

"this is so dumb of me to even talk when i could just give it to you but either way, i know that you're my always. i've never felt this way with anyone.

i'm sorry for what i put you through but i'll make it up to you. i'm the luckiest person in the world to have a girl like you. i love you and uh,"

finn began to look through his pocket, taking out a box and opening it for her to see. millie gasped, her smile becoming even bigger than before if that was possible.

"oh finn, it's beautiful."

it was a beautiful ring, the bottom being gold and the top a rose gold pink rose, with small decorations around it. there was gold vines around it and on the very top a hot pink diamond. millie let out a squeal as finn slid it on her finger.

"i promise to always motivate you to do better like you motivate me. i promise to love you, to cherish you. i promise to be yours, forever and always."

"and of course, not call you baby." he joked, making millie laugh softly.

she had watery eyes, but she grabbed finn and kissed him happily, both her arms around her neck. she pulled away after a couple seconds, looking down and admiring the gorgeous ring.

it took her breath away just like she took finn's.

"you're an idiot finn wolfhard."

"you are beautiful, millie bobby brown."



this was just a filler cus i didn't know what to write. but here's a picture of the ring!

 but here's a picture of the ring!

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