Im Watching You With That Hoe...

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Hey. Welcome to chapter 4. Get ready for the park. Who meets who? Lol my title tho: "Im watching you with that hoe..." Lol lmao... Any ways...

Amajee's POV

After I take my shower and brush my teeth, I put on a gray top that says "#1 Girl" in black letters, black leggings, and my black and gray Adidas. And I just straighten my hair and curl the bottom. And wait for Nelle and Prod to finish dressing so we can head to the park.

Chanelle's POV

After I take my shower and brush my teeth, I put on a blue top that says "Gotcha!" In green, my green shorts, and my blue and green converses. Then I go downstairs with Majee to wait for Prod.

Prod's POV

After I take my shower and brush my teeth, I put on an orange T-Shirt with some black basketball shorts, and my black and orange Jordan's. The I go downstairs and see Amajee and Nelle-boo waiting for me.

Nelle: what took ya so long ?

Me: it wasn't even that long .

Majee: 15 minutes aint that long ?

Me: no . It's not .

Majee: *rolls eyes* *gets up and walks to the door* c'mon lets go !

Nelle: *gets up and leaves*

Me: *grabs car keys and follows them*

Nala's POV

So after I get out the shower, I cant find my towel. I must of left it in the room. Good thing my own bathroom connects to my room so I don't have to run out in the hallway. I walk in my room and see Prince sitting on my bed on Instagram and holding my towel.

Prince: *looks up* oh hello *smerks*

Me: why do u have my towel

Prince: you forgot it *holds it out so I can grab it*

Me: *tries to grab it*

Prince: *quickly grabs it back*

Me: C'mon Princeton give it to me!

Prince: okay *smirks*

Me: no i dont mean like that nasty haha my towel! C'mon its coldddd

Prince: I'll warn you up

Me: *smacks him*

Prince: owe! Okay okay here *hands it to me and laughs*

Me: *Snatches it and walks away*

Prince: *smacks me on the tush*

Me: owe stop! *giggles*

Prince: haha okay sowwey now hurry up i wanna take you somewhere today *smiles*

Me: okay *blushes*

So i hurry up and get dressed and we head out the door.

Me: Gionni we're leaving. I'll be back soon

Gigi: okay take ur time

Me: don't do anything "extreme" lol

Gigi: lol girl go now bye

Me: bye

Prod's POV

We arrived at the park and out the window i see this cute girl. And then Nelle smacks me on the arm because she knows what I'm looking at.

Me: okay okay

Nelle: better not be getting too friendly with that white hoe. (NO OFFENSE TO MY VANILLAS OUT THERE!)

Me: lol okay bae sorry

We get out the car and walk around at the park. Nelle has to go to the bathroom and majee goes with her. So I'm just sitting on the bench alone waiting for them to come back. Then that girl walks over to me and sits. *turns to her*

???: hey.

Me: um hi.

???: your cute

Me: uh thanks you are too

???: *blushes* thanks. What your name?

Me: Craig. But they call me Prod. Short for Prodigy. Whats yours?

???: Cool name. My name is Melanie

Me: ok nice

Melanie: thanks *blushes again*

Then Nelle and Majee comes back. So we quickly exchanged numbers and she ran off. And nelle stomps over here.

Nelle: Who was that bitch ???

Me: no one

Majee: boy answer her question.

Me: OMG she's just a girl named Melanie. She walked over here to me and tried to bring up a conversation.

Nelle: uh huh. Sure. Let's go

Me: *gets up and follows*

Majee: *shakes her head and follows too.

Nelle: I'm watching you with that hoe. I saw yall exchange numbers

Me: so ?


Me: *mumbles under his breath* shut the h*ll up dang lemme meet new friends.

Nelle: *turns and glares at him* Bish whet?

Me: nothing bae

Majee: *shakes her head and continues walking*

>>End Of Chapter<<

Well I hope yall liked that. Leave comments where's Prince taking Nala? Byeeee.

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