Lies, lies, lies

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Jay's POV

Yes i finally have Nala. After all these years searching for her I finally found her. She's gonna pay for leaving me. I loved her. And she did this? Yeah, she's gonna get it.

Nala's POV

Omg what just happened. Why is he...wait, how did he find me... WTF. Where am I? What did i ever do to him. Oh yeah, I left him. But only because he used to beat me. *sigh* He finally took my blind fold off and the tape on my mouth off and I was tied to a chair in this weird room. There was a bed, and table, and on a table were a gun, knife, and alcohol. I'm so scared. Someone please help me. *cry cry*

Jay: so Nala. How's life

Me: Jay what do you want. And untie me.

Jay: not until I get what I want.

Me: *sigh* what do you want

Jay: you. Nala, when u left me i was stressed. I started drinking and smoking. I even got in a car crash while I was high. But I lived. I even thought about suicide once.

Me: *starts to tear* w-what ? I only left you because I was scared.

Jay: scared ? Scared of what !?

Me: ... You. I was scared of you. I left because you beat me. And I'm not taking you back.

Jay: oh yes you are! I didn't mean to hurt you and you know it


Jay: *yells back* SHUT UP *smacks me*

Me: *looks up at Jay* you, you hit me. AGAIN JAY. AGAIN

Jay: *realizes what he did but doesn't care* well you asked for it

I knew i needed a plan to get outta here. So i made up a lie.

Me: *looks down and is in pain from him hitting her* fine Jay. I'll do what you want. I'll take you back. *lies* now untie me and I'll show you

Jay: *unties her*

Me: *gets up and runs but Jay is too fast and caught her*

He grabbed me and threw me to the floor. He punched me hard in the face and i almost blacked out. But for some reason i didn't. I held my face in pain and slowly got up. I tried to walk to the door but he grabbed me again and tossed me on the bed. He took off his clothes and ripped off my pants and underwear. I shouted and yelled and screamed but no body heard me. He slapped me to shut me up. Then he forced himself inside of me. I was getting rapped. My my Ex. I still don't like it. 10 minutes later he got out and got off of me. I was hurt.

Jay: try to run again and it'll be worse. *he said walking out of the room and locking me in*

I looked around to see if i could find anything to get out of this place. I took the gun off the table and put it in my pocket. I grabbed the knife and put that in my pocket too. He's so stupid. There's a window and I can get out. I climbed threw the window and ran as fast as I could. I was out of breath and fell to the ground. I had a black eye and a busted lip from when he hit me. My area was also in pain because his 'Big Ben' was big. Around me kept getting darker and darker. Next you know it, it was pitch black.

{The Next Morning}

I woke up in the same place i passed out at because around here where Jay lives, the people would think you're already dead and just leave you there. Ignorance. My body was week and I couldn't move. 5 minutes later i was able to get up and i walk to the nearest bus station and got home. Everyone was sitting on the couch crying and Prince and Amajee were talking to the police. They saw me and ran to me and hugged me.

Amajee: OMG NALA. Thank god you're here. What happened?!

Me: oh um nothing. I got lost and i just stayed in the nearest hotel with this very nice lady. *lies*

Princeton: babe...whats wrong with your eye??

Me: oh um she had a um cat and it attacked me but I'm fine *lies again*

Prince: oh

Police: ok well is this her

Maj: yes its her shes fine thank you

Police: ok bye. *leaves*

Prod: wait...pets aren't allowed at hotels...Nala, what really happened

Me: I told you! It was the cat. She snuck it in and she never got caught. *lies*

Prod: mmhm yeah sure

Nelle: I'm glad you're okay. I saved some skittles for you

Me: thanks

Gigi: and here's your necklace. You dropped it.

Ray: yeah I'm happy to see you again. Why didn't you call us

Me: uhh my phone died *lies*

Ray: oh ok

Me: um imma go get some sleep. I'm tired. *limps upstair*

Prince: wait why are you limping

Me: *stops and turns around* uhhhmmm my leg hurts thats all. Oh and Ray and Prod im glad you guys are okay too.

Prod&Ray: thanks

Me: wait I thought you had to stay at the hospital

Prod: yeah well they found out i was better so they let me home early. Thanks to Jada. She saved me.

Me: cool. So are you guys really bro and sis?

Prod: yeah, our parents finally told us the truth

Me: oh okay *limps upstairs again*

{End Of Chapter}

Heyy buggies. Why did Nala lie? Leave comment and vote please. Thanks byeee

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