The bail .

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Melanie's POV

I was back in my cell when a police officer came up to me. He said that someone is here to bail me out and that I was free to go. I big smile spread across my face. I knew it was Ariana that came to get me. I came out and saw her standing there looking around.

Me: thanks girl . I cant stand these people

Ari: lol what they do

Me: can you believe that some annoying chick tried to step to me

Ari: oh wow did you beat her a$$

Me: nah but I was about to . Some security pulled her into another room .

Ari: wow this is like your 10th time in jail .

Me: yeah. Well let's get outta her i got some business to handle

Ari: ard Leggo

We left and went home so I can start planing. After that I decided to go to the park to get some air and maybe think some more about my evil plan . I wanna bring my gun because I'm going to the shooting range after the park for the first time to prepare for... well, you'll see.

Prods POV

I was really bored so i decided to go check on Amajee to see if she needs help with the twins since Roc went out somewhere . She was fine. They were sleeping and she was watching tv. I went back to the room and asked Chanelle if she wanted to go to the park for some air. She said no because she cant trust the outside for while. So I asked Ray. And he said yes. He left out and went to the park. It was hot out there. Oh well.

{End Of Chapter}

Hey sorry it was so short! I have to do something but what will happen at the park? Is Prod safe? I dunno. Read the next chapter to find out!

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