Forgive Me

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Prod's POV

When I got kicked out, I ran around the block and cried my eyes out. I love Chanelle so much and what I did was stupid. I wonder if she'll ever forgive me. I just hope she doesn't kick my head like its a soccer ball. I ran to one of my friends house. His name is Micheal (aka Mike). People call him the ladies man. I ring the doorbell and Mike comes to the door holding a baby.

Me: yo wussup

Mike: sup bro watcha doin wit dem bags

Me: can i crash here for a while. *looks at the baby* and who's this

Mike: uh sure and this is my son Jaylen. He's 1 year old

Me: thanks bro. And he's so cute.

Mike: thanks. Come in

I walk in and his house is HUGE. 3 floors, 6 bedrooms and 2 guess rooms. And a living room, kitchen, dinning room, and everything. Even a hang out room, a game room, and a play room for Jaylen. Wow. All of a sudden i see this hot chick walking towards us. But Chanelle is cuter.

???: hey babe did you see my... *looks at prod* um who's this

Mike: *buts the baby down in the playpen* oh um this is Craig. But people call him Prodigy. Prod this is my girl Jordyn.

Me: sup

Jord: um hi *looks at Mike* so have you seem my charm bracelet ?

Mike: uh yeah it's upstairs on the dresser

Jord: Kay. *goes upstairs*

Mike: *walks to couch and prod follows* so why you here you runnin way or got kicked out or somethin ?

Me: no , well , um , you see i did something really stupid.

Mike: tell me bro

Me: well a rumor was told to me even though it wasn't true and i believed it and did something.

Mike: Tell Me ! What was the rumor and what did you do ?

Me: well um the rumor was that Chanelle was cheating on me. It was told by Josephine.

Mike: oh man you know thats a lie. #1 because Chanelle would never do that and #2 why would you believe Josephine you kne she hates her guts.

Me: i know i don't know what I was thinking

Mike: so what did you do

Me: i cheated on her...with Melanie

Mike: Melanie ? Are you serious ? Thats messed up man

Me: i know. So then while they were gone. She came over and started getting close. I told her what we are doing is wrong but she didn't listen. She started to kiss me and then i just. I donno. I. I kissed back. Then we had. Um. Sex... And they came back and caught us. And kicked me out

Mike: ...

Me: ...

Mike: oh well um dude you messed up bad. Go get Chanelle back. Go tomorrow and apologize and um bring her flowers.

Me: thanks bro

(Jaylen starts crying.)

Mike: *yells* Jordyn come get the baby!

Jordyn runs downstairs and and grabs the baby. She takes him upstairs and changes him and puts him to sleep. The. Comes downstairs and chills with the guys.

{The Next Day}

Chanelle's POV

I was on my phone on the couch next to Nala, who was also on her phone with the tv running, and the doorbell rang. I look out the window. I saw a car that looks like Prod old car. Nala goes to the door and sees Prod standing there with flowers. She looked at him, have him the stank look, and slammed the door in his face.

Me: Nala come on. Who is it

Nala: Squally lover.

Me: Squally lo- oh yeah the Ex

I go to the door and Prod looks confused

Me: don't give that confuse look what do you want i aint got time for your nonsense *rolls her eyes*

Prod: look Chanelle babe i - (gco)

Me: N!gga don't call me your babe. We are done. D-O-N-E. Done.

Prod: Chanelle I'm sorry. I was stupid and rude. I would never do that to you ever again if you take me back.

Me: *eyes get watery* Craig you hurt me. Bad.

Prod: i know. So then while y'all were gone. She came over and started getting close. I told her what we are doing is wrong but she didn't listen. She started to kiss me and then i just. I donno. I kissed back. Then we did it. I'm sorry. I really am *starts to cry*

Wow. I never seem Prod cry before. Only when he means something or is really hurt or sad he cries. I knew he was serious. But i just need time to get over it.

Me: look, I know your sorry. *i take the flowers out his hand* i just need time to get over it ok. And I'll think about it.

Prod: okay *looks down.* just call me please. Take all the time you need. *looks back up into her eyes* *sighs*.

He turns around and walks to his car. He gets in and drives off. Nala comes behind me and i turn around

Me: should i really take him back

Nala: Nelle its your decision. What do you think.

Me: i dunno. I'll think over night.

Nala: ok let's go upstairs and tell Amajee what happened.

Me: ok.

We walk upstairs and tell Amajee and roc and prince what happened. Gionni and Ray went to the park. I'll tell them later. Maybe. I donno.

{End Of Chapter}

Well hope yall liked it. Should Chanelle take Prod back? Leave comments!

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