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I didn't know who the special visitor was nor did I care. I looked around at my room or my cell coated with red and green. It's not paint but more like paint made by my blood. I may not feel the pain since I'm use to it but it doesn't mean it still hurts. I grunted as I looked at my chest."Why?" I whispered very low not wanting them to know I have my voice back for...ever now. I pushed myself into my corner where I am comfortable and where I feel at peace.

The door to my cell slid opened and I saw Agent B. She pulled me out and we walked toward another room. I never was in this one. I could only read a few words that I'm known to. Like Laboratory or Obstacle Course Room or my least favorite torture room. She placed handcuffs on my hands and I hissed as they disabled my powers. She pushed me in the dark room. I flashed my eyes green and saw better."Please sit down." I heard Agent A's voice behind me. I turned around and saw I was at a new Interrogation Room. I rolled my eyes and leaned on the wall."Can you please sit down?" She asked again and I shook my head no."Okay, I'm not going anywhere with this. I'm going to ask you some questions and you are going to answer yes or no." She said and I nodded.

"Are you from Amity?"

She asked and I nodded yes. I don't know how I knew the answer but a voice in the back of my head answers it for me. Weird I know.

"Great, do you know Daniel Fenton?" She asked and my eyes widen. I frowned. Wasn't it my name? They said my name is Project 382. I shook my head no.

She looked weirdly at me."Do you know where he is?" She asked again but in a more threatening tone. I nodded my head no. She sighed in frustration and pressed a button in her ear piece hidden in her ear."Get him out of here." She said and the door opened and I was pulled back into my cell. I fell asleep in my corner and just relaxed for my next experiment. Who is Daniel Fenton? I kept asking in my head and a image appeared in my head. A boy with jet black hair and blue eyes and pale skin. He almost looked like me, maybe I am him in my human form but what are the odds of that being true?

Two days later
"General Monger, why do we need a new monster?" Mr President asked Monger after Monger showed his plan to stop the alien invasion."Cause, we need someone who can sneak into and out of places. Ginormika is to big, Bob is stupid, Link is strong but noisy and lastly Dr Cockroach is to brainy and won't be able to sneak in and shut that thing down from the inside." Monger said as the President didn't know what to say but to nod."What do you have in mind?" President asked and Monger turned the screen of his computer screen to Mr President. The image was a boy with snow white hair and glowing green eyes and a black and white jumpsuit."Who's that? It just looks like a kid." President said."Not entirely. He has been missing fir ten years but I located him in a small town in Illinois. Amity Park. The world's most haunted town." Monger said laughing a little not believing in ghosts.

"He is being held in the GIW headquarters, a puny excuse for an government agency." Monger mumbled the last part."Then let's go!!" Mr President shouted."Now?" Monger asked."Yes now!!!" President yelled and Monger flew after him in his jet pack. They got on the way to large jet and set off to Amity Park.

Danny Phantom:Experiment Project 382Where stories live. Discover now