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Danny Phantom?

My eyes widen. I started to remember my best friends and how I said Going Ghost when I transformed."YOUR HAND!!" K shouted and the intercom went off."Requesting backup!!" I heard A shouted over the intercom and ai growled."I will get the hell out of here." I whispered and afents came in with Blasters. I blasted them away and Monger came flying in and knocked me unconscious.

Monger's POV
He is perfect!!! I knocked him unconscious."He remembers!! Take him to get his memory erased!!" A shouted."No." President said and I picked up the kid. He was extremely light."What?" K said as he was about to run."I am transferring him to my base, area Fifty Something." He said."YOOOOHIEEEE!! Thank you Mr President." I said as I walked out with the kid."Why is he so light?" I asked before exiting." He is naturally like that." A said clearly angry."Any creature needs to eat. Have you been feeding him?" I asked in a growl."No, he doesn't need to, because ghosts don't eat." K said."His still half human and I'm not believing the ghost part." I said as I left and they all shouted in anger."Stop shouting or you are fired!" President shouted and they shut up. I carry the kid and placed him in Ginormika's seat as the pilot flew the base.

We landed and I immediately went to find a room for the kid."Huh, where am I?" He asked as he looks around."Don't worry kid, your save. And no experiments." I said as I placed him in a room with a bed and bathroom."Huh?" He said as the door slid closed."What do you want with me?" He asked."We need you on a mission, kid and you are going to help." I said leaving him confused."What mission?! I can't even fly?! I'm to weak!!" He shouted. I went back."How can you suddenly talk all the sudden?" I asked."I did lose my voice but I stayed silent not wanting to be experimented on for that." He said.

"Smart kid." I said looking at the twenty four year old with a torn jumpsuit."You might wanna take that off until we fix it up a bit." I said and he looked at himself in the reflection of the glass wall."Sure, just let me know when I get the straight jacket." He said and I lifted up a eyebrow."You really can be sarcastic some times. Just don't use that on Bob." I said as he rolled his eyes and slept in his bed. I floated past Ginormika's room and heard sobbing. It must be hard for her but she's just gonna hve to adapt to the new lifestyle same with Phantom.

Three hours later
Ginormika's POV
Monger took us to the room where we could just chill. I like to call it the chilling room. I sighed as I walked inside."Monsters we have a new incomer!" Monger said as a kid with white hair and gren eyes came in."Hi my name is Bob!!"

Danny's POV
"Up, up, up!!" Monger said to me as my cell's door slid open."Hay, time for experiments!!" I said and we got on a floating platform."I told you we are not going to experiment on you, son." He said and I glared at him."I'm no one's son. I don't even remember having a dad or a mom." I said and it was sad. Who were they? What did they do for a living? Was one a ghost and the other a human? Nah that's impossible."Hmmm." Monger said as he looked at me like I am a painting."What?" I asked."Can you maybe take off your shirt?" He asked and I gave him the really glare."Okay, I guess not." He said and he activated his jet pack."Monsters, we have a new incomer!" He said and I walked in and everyone looked weird.

I wanted to scream. One giant lady, one giant bug, a blob, a cockroach and a fishman."What the Fuck?!" I shouted and the giant lady looked weirdly at me."Hi my name is Bob!!" The blob shouted."Can I go back to the GIW?" I asked."Nope, President orders for you, all, to help in this case." Monger said.

"What are you? You have a unnatural glow like an aura." He said and I just smirked showing my thangs."So? I'm not a full human." I said."What?! But you look whole." Bob said."Huh?" I said."Bob over here has no brain." Cockroach said."Hi, excuse my nerdy friend here. My name is Link, Missing Link, that's Dr Cockroach," he said pointing at the fallen cockroach man,"Insecta-surous." He said pointing at Bug Zilla,"And lastly Ginormika." He said pointing at the lady. She looked sad. I flew up to meet her level."HE CAN FLY?!!" Bob shouted as he tried to fly. Ginormika tried to scoot away."How are you?" She asked."I'm a freak, stuck between two worlds." I said as I got another memory."M-mom, d-dad?" I said as I only see the orange and blue blobs transforming into my parents."Sweetie be careful!!" Mom shouted."Oh, he'll be fine, Maddie. Enjoy your day kids!!" Dad shouted.

"I REMEMBER MY PARENTS!!!" I shouted and they looked weirdly at me."What?" I asked."What do you mean by 'you remember your parents'?" Dr Cockroach asked."Uh, my memory has been erased by an other government agency." I said."So why are you sad?" I asked Ginormika."I was at my wedding until a stupid rock from space fell on me and I transformed into this, giant woman!!" She said."Wow, I'm sorry, Ginormika." I said."Please call me Susan." She said and I nodded as I flew down and landed on the table."So what are you? Half human and half-?" Link asked."You won't believe me even if I told you or showed you, but I'm not going to reveal my other half." I said and Monger hummed in thinking."So you have your ghost form and a human form? Which one is this?" Monger asked and Link and Dr Cockroach laughed as Bob's eye traveled around me. I turned intangible and walked through him. I stopped right in front of Link and Dr Cockroach and they stopped laughing."This is my Ghost Form. I don't know if I even have my human half." I said and Link slapped my back and grunted in pain.

"Whoa, I thought ghost couldn't feel anything?" Dr Cockroach said and my shirt was now to damaged to stay on me. It fell off and the whole room gasped."You- you've been e-experimented on." Dr Cockroach said and my cut on my back was now open on the top right part. I put my hand on my shoulder where it was open and my eyes glowed blue and the skin started to reattach itself.

"Wow!! That's so cool!!"

Danny Phantom:Experiment Project 382Where stories live. Discover now