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"I wish I could get out of here. I want to be with Direk!" Ginormika said."You still don't get it do you?" Link asked."No monster has gotten out of here." Link added."That's not true! What about the invisible man?" Bob asked and Danny looked weirdly at him."Bob, he died of a heart attack, we only said that so that you don't freak out." Cockroach said."He died in that very chair." Link said."You people are really weird." Danny said."The point is. No one is getting out of here." Link said as Monger came in with a jeep.

"Monsters you are getting out of here!!"

"Until now." Link said."I don't want to." Danny said and everyone looked weirdly at him."Why not?" Dr Cockroach asked."Unlike you, I have been experimented on for ten years and I kinda adapted to that." Danny said as he floats closer."Sorry kiddo, but the President is granting you your freedom if you stop this allien robot." Monger said."Aliens?" Danny said and he started laughing."That's the funniest thing I ever heard." He said."Still. You are coming." Monger said."Awesome! I could see Direk again!!!" Ginormika said."I could go back to the coconut soures and creep people out again." Link said as they all got on the jet."I can finally go back to my lab with experiments." Bob said."That's me Bob." Cockroach said."Then I will go back to Direk and be with him." Bob said."That Susan Bob." Link said. As Bob tries to figure out what to do when he gets his freedom Danny was silently thinking off his life. He remembered the experiments and what they found out.
"His DNA is fused in ectoplasm." Layla said as she looks in his blood."Now with a little electricity, it changes from green with red to red with green. He has two forms." Layla said."But our orders was not to know who he is or we will have to deal with the kids parents, whoever it is." Kyle said."Well I have a theory. Maybe Phantom was born as a human and he just had a accident with ectoplasm." Layla said."Why do you say so?" Kyle asked."Would you go and have sex with a ghost?" Layla asked."Yes if the ghost was you." Kyle said and Layla rolled her eyes."I think he died of electricity."

"I remembered something." Danny said as the jet flew over the Golden Gate Bridge."What do you remember?" Susan asked."I remembered the cause of my death." Danny said."Whoa. Sorry for asking." Susan said."No it's fine. Good thing I don't know how or I'll freak out." Danny said."Alrighty monsters. The President said I can grant your freedom if you stop the robot, you may not come back alive." Monger said."What?!" Susan yelled."Relax." Dr Cockroach said."I'm hyperventilating!! Does someone have a giant paper bag!!" Susan said as she clinched her chest on her knees.

The Robot came out from a large building and the eyeball of the robot looked at them and started to scan, Danny, Link, Bob and Dr Cockroach."Oh, I got this." Bob said as he came forward."Hello!! We have came to destroy you!!" Bob said and the Robot came closer."I can't stop this thing!!" Susan shouted."Go into the city!! It will much saver for you there." Dr Cockroach said as Susan started to run into the city with Danny following her."Hey where are you going?" Link asked."Uh, going to help her calm down." Danny lied. He wanted to sty at the base so he is not fighting that thing."Susan wait up!!" Danny shouted as he flies after her.

"Hey guys I think it's working!" Bob said as the robot came to them."FOOT!!" Dr Cockroach shouted and he and Link jumped out of the way, but it stepped on Bob."I'm okay guys!!" He shouted and the robot put his foot down."I'll take him down!!" He kept shouting as the robot walks off."I think it's going into the city. I'll catch you there." Dr Cockroach said and Link jumped into a manhole and started swimming into the city."Or maybe you are going to have to wait for me." Dr Cockroach said in a maniac kind of way and started to build on the cable car.

The ground shook as Susan was walking through the city."Seriously you are as big as that thing, well almost, and you are afraid?" Danny asked sitting on her shoulder."Look I've only been Ginormika for like three days and this is not helping." Susan said."You have super strength. That thing is no match for you." Danny said as Susan looked around, thinking it was clear she walk out and the robot spotted her."Is it me or is that thing bigger?" Danny asked. The robot scanned Ginormika and Danny. Ginormika tried moving out of the way but it was still following her. Suddenly he stopped scanning. His eye turned red and he demolished the building he was standing at and started chasing Ginormika."Why is it after you?" Danny asked as he holds on top Ginormika's jumpsuit. The fabric reminded him of his parents jumpsuit and how his felt when he put it on for the first time."I don't know!!" She shouted as she dodges the debris.

Sam's POV
Danny has been gone ten years and I'm starting to think the GIW captured him or something but I hoped not."Hun, what's wrong?" Jazz my girlfriend asked."Thinking of Danny." I said as I looked at the sunset from our terrace."Do you think he's-he's...?" I trailed off."No don't say or think that. He will return. I promise." She said hugging me."I know but I miss him so much!" I said crying into her shoulder."And Tucker is now out there fighting the ghosts with his new powers." I added.

"I know and we will be back together as a group of five and just four.(including Valarie)." She said.

Danny Phantom:Experiment Project 382Where stories live. Discover now