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The 24 year old that was missing for ten years is back and is accepted for both his halves. He was currently asleep in his long crush slash best friend's arms."Oh my goodness!!" Everyone shouted once their small dense minds took in what had happened."So the GIW had him the whole time?" Jack asked anger started to boil up in him."Come on. Let's get you all home." General Monger said as his oversized jet landed nearby. Tucker picked Danny up slowly and walked with Danny's family(including Dani), Sam and Vlad to the jet."I can't believe he's Phantom." Maddie said as she looked at Danny's sleeping form.

The jet stopped above the only weird looking building named, Fenton Works. Once they all got off they went inside and into Danny's room which was left like it was before Danny got caught. They placed him on his bed and Tucker phased off Danny's suit...scars. They gasped at the scars that decorated his chest, arms, sides and legs."What have they done to him?" Jazz asked as she inspected his scars with wide unbelieving eyes."Dad?" Dani said as she floated above him. Danny frowned and then groaned as he woke up."Danielle?" Danny said as his eyes were now open."DANNY!!" Everyone shouted excitedly and Danny covered his ears."GAAAH!!! My ears!!" Danny shouted as his enchanted hearing picked up a little too much of the sound."Danny, you need a hospital." Maddie said as she picked up one of his arms showing all his scars."Wow, I expected a lot less than all these." Danny said."And it's no need for a hospital. I'm fine." Danny said."We're so sorry for hunting and hating you...we should've known." Maddie said as she started to cry."Mom, it's okay. It was a loooooooong time ago."

"Hey, my room. Nothing changed." Danny said as he looked around."Yeah, we couldn't change anything in here." Maddie said."Danny, how did you get your powers?" Jack asked."The accident with the portal." Danny said and immediately they knew what and how it happened."So ectoplasm infused with your DNA because of the electricity?" Maddie said."Yeah, that basically covers it." Danny said."Tucker, how did you get ghost powers? I thought you didn't want powers." Danny asked."Well, Clockwork gave it to me since someone still had to fight the ghost coming in." Tucker said sitting next to Danny and placing his hand on Danny's hand."You did that?" Danny asked."Yeah, the GIW hated me just as much for it." Tucker joked and it made Danny laugh and the rest chuckled.

"We'll give you some space." Jazz said and she pushed everyone out of the room minus Tucker."So, Vlad is good?" Danny said."Yeah he helped a lot. He would sometimes fight the ghosts off so that I couldn't raise suspicion to myself." Tucker said."Do you know how you got captured?" Tucker added."I don't know. I remember just flying through the air patrolling and then when woke I up again I was in a cell." Danny said."It doesn't matter now. All that matters is that you are back and here with...me." Tucker said with a blush coloring his face. Danny blushed to. He had feelings for Tucker for quite awhile before he was captured."Uh, Tucker. I wanted to ask you something before I was captured."Yes?" Tucker said.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Danny asked."Tucker! Your parents are here!!" Sam shouted."Uh, coming!!" Tucker shouted. He looked down at Danny. He then went closer to Danny's face and kissed him. Danny was shocked at first but he kissed back."Answer your question?" Tucker asked pulling back."Hmm, I don't know. Do it again and then I'll see." Danny said. Danny kissed back as Tucker kissed again."Of course I'll be your boyfriend." Tucker said."Tucker!!" Angela Foley, Tucker's mother, was heard calling him."I don't know why they are here since I am a grown up now." Tucker said to himself."Bye Danny. I'll see you later tonight." Tucker said."Okay,...s-see ya." Danny said.

Once Tucker was gone Danny smiled huge and fell down to his pillow."Everything is right in the world." Danny said as he slowly fell asleep.

Tucker's POV
"How are you Tritonic Phantom?" Mom asked."I had gotten my powers as a gift from a friend." I said. It was halfway the truth."Why didn't you tell us?" Dad said."I couldn't or the ghosts would've targeted you."

After a little bit of shouting they finally left and I went back to my apartment. Sam and Jazz did the same."I'm glad your safe." I said in a whisper as I opened my apartment door. Once I did I saw GIW agents. I took a step back."Your coming with us!" Agent K and O said. I looked at them with fear."Bye!!" I shouted as I transformed and flew out the window. I turned invisible and went to Danny's house. I phased into his room where he was still asleep. I saw his ghost sense went off and he woke up."Tucker?" Danny said."What's wrong? Why are you so frightened?" Danny asked."The GIW was now after me." I said as I walked over to his bed."Come here." He said. He moved up in the bed and I layed down next to him. He had his arm wrapped around my waist."They won't lay a finger on you." He whispered in my ear and I smiled."Thank you Danny." I said turning to face him. He cupped his hand in my cheek and pulled me in for kiss. I kissed him back and it was magical.

"There you are!" We stopped and saw Agent K and O in the doorway."Stay away from him!" Danny growled."You may be untouchable now, but he is the new target." Agent K said."Stay away from them!!" Maddie was heard shouting."Wanna go out for a fly?" Danny asked trying to keep his anger away from the fact that his mother was upset."Sure. We can play a game of tag!" I said."And he's it!" Both of us shouted as we transformed and flew through the air."What's the plan?" I asked."Don't worry. General Monger said this would happen so we have to lead them to the park where he and a few troops are waiting." Danny said.

So we flew to the park and there we saw General Monger."Get ready, men!!" He shouted. Behind him was Bob, Link, Dr Cockroach and Susan aka Ginormika!"Wow, this is awesome!" I shouted. The agents arrived."You think we're stupid?" Danny said."Get them!!" Link shouted and Bob started to swallow the agents in his body of goop. Susan captured those flying with jet packs in her hands. Link punched and knocked them unconscious as he ran to them. Dr Cockroach was smacking them against the head with a bat alongside Link.

About a hour later all the agents was captured and Danny and I was busted up."Thank you for your cooperation, Phantoms." Monger said."Monger please call me Danny." Danny said."Yeah, Please call him Danny and me Tucker." I said."You will be rewarded later with a medal of bravery and honor." Monger said with a salute."Thank you General." We both said."Right now we have to go." Danny said.

"Understandable." Monger said."Attention!! Salute!!" Monger said and all the soldiers saluted for us."So cool." I said."Yep." Danny said. We stood straight and saluted them back. We took the skies.

"Well, today was certainly eventful." I said."Yep. Let's go home." Danny said and we went to his house. He phased through the front door."Mom! Dad!!" He shouted."Over here sweetie!" We looked up to see Maddie and Jack at the stairs."Are you okay?" Danny asked."Yeah, just a little bruised." Maddie said."Are you sure? I can heal you." Danny said."What do you mean?" Jack asked."Watch." Danny said as he used one of his own bruises as a example."Danny, you have extremely rare powers." Maddie said. Danny started to heal them."Yeah, I have a ice core and that means I have a faster healing factor then most ghosts." Danny said. Danny was embraced in a hug by Jack and Maddie."We love you son. Thank you so much." They said."I love you too." Danny said and they went to their rooms."Uh, mom, dad."

"Yes sweetie?" Maddie asked."Uh, Tucker and I...are dating." Danny said."Really?" Jack asked."Yes." I said."Don't worry we're not going to split you up. We've seen how you look at each other before Danny was gone. We accept that you are dating." Maddie said and we were happy."Awesome!! Thanks mom!! Thanks dad!!" They went into their room and we were alone. We walked up the last bit of stairs and walked into Danny's room."So before we were so rudely interrupted by stupid agents wearing white..." I trailed off. I saw Danny sitting on his bed waiting for me."Come on dude. You look tired." Danny said and I sat next to him on his bed. He moved to the back of my back and he wrapped his arms around me. He started to kiss on my neck making me moan a little. He then pulled me down to the bed and he was on top of me. We kissed and kissed and kissed until we eventually fell asleep in each other's arms. I felt the happiest I could in ten years.

Danny Phantom:Experiment Project 382Where stories live. Discover now