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Project 382 's POV
Apparently the special visitor is coming in today not two days ago. They were just about to start their experiments on me but Agent A ordered them to put me back in my cell. I slept again not having any sort of entertainment here. I didn't know they were here for me. I was just about to fall into a deep sleep but got woken up from voices behind my cell gate. I practically slept like a dog would. I lifted up my head and stared at the flying man in the jet pack and the president in a suit. My eyes widen. What's the President doing here?

I ignored them and tried to sleep again."Don't sleep, sweetie." A said and I looked weird at her. Has the world gone crazy? She never calls me something as nice as sweetie."Sweetie? What happened to ghost scu-ooff!!" O was jabbed in the side as I looked at K. Oh okay so they are lying to their boss. I growled in annoyance and decided to sit up straight with my on hand on my opposite side."Why is he hurt?" The President asked like he never knew anything."Well he is extremely rare and we experiment on him for answers for why he isn't like other ghosts." A answerd. There's more ghosts? Why aren't they saving me? I sighed, no one cares for me anymore. I don't even know who my best friends or family is."Why is he so different?" Jet pack man asked."General Monger. He is the only ghost, we know so far off, that is half human half ghost or Halfa for short." A answerd and the two started to laughed at that.

Who could blame them? I also laughed when they told me, bit got zappped soon after. I growled and they stopped."Stop growling you,...I mean. Be quiet please." K said fixing his mistake."Can he talk?" President asked. I could but I would be experimented on that for how my voice just "returned suddenly."

"No he lost his voice and he was always silent, we only ask him yes or no questions." O said."May I ask him something?" Monger asked."Sure." A said and she waved for me to get closer. I walked on my hands and feet towards the gate slowly."Hey come here." He said and I came close enough to hear a whisper."Do you want to get out of here?" He whispered to low for a human to hear. I ran back to my corner and was on the wall. He looked closely at me and I nod my head once. He smirked."What did you ask?" President asked as I now walk on the roof now."I'll tell you later." Monger whisperd as he winked at me.

"I want to see him in combat." President said."K and O take him to the obstacle course." A said and they dragged me out roughly as always. I yawned and stretched slowly not wanting to tear open my chest or back that had a X mark."Ph- project 382 you are going to fight some androids and we will test you." K said. I nodded but what did he almost say. Ph- Ph what.

Suddenly three androids surrounded me. They all attacked and I flew into the air and started to shot them with plasma rays and my ice powers."YOOOOHIEEEE!!!" Monger shouted as the androids jumped me. I didn't move for awhile. I pull out all my energy from my core and released it over my body, my eyes were closed while I was doing it. I opened them and it was glowing green and saw the robots burned from my impact and sparking. I smirked showing my thangs. I know for some reason I feel feared for myself for having them, I just don't know why. I actually loved fighting them. It somehow made me feel whole.

The intercom went on. I waited for my next task but only heard a question not ment for me."So what's the kid's name?" The president asked and I listened closely."His real name is Danny Phantom."

Danny Phantom?

Danny Phantom:Experiment Project 382Where stories live. Discover now