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Danny's new suit from General Monger.
Danny was in his ghost form in Ginormika's hand unconscious."Whoa, look at at the lady mommy!!" A latina small girl shouted."Tiffany, be quiet. Mommy needs to listen." The mother, Paulina said. Dash her husband was right next to her with his youngest son in his arms."Whoa." Dash choked out."What are you?" Maddie shouted pointing a gun at Ginormika."Uh, a giant lady who a freak accident." Ginormika answerd."Yeah, your right your a freak." Jack said."Dad." Jazz said and he looked at her. She shook her head and Jack looked down to the ground.

Agent K and O arrived at the scene."Your the General who took ph-Project 382 away from us!!" K shouted."Huh?" Most of the town folks squeaked.

Danny's POV
I woke up and saw I was in Ginormika's fist. Thank goodness it wasn't clenched. I tickled her hand a little and she immediately peeked inside."Project 382 is in her fist!!" I heard a familiar voice shout."Shit." I mumbled. I looked at myself and saw I was still in my ghost form."Oh boy." I squeaked. Ginormika opened her fist a little and I pushed my head out."Don't worry." I said and she nodded."OPEN YOUR HAND!!" O shouted."You have our lab rat in there!!" K shouted.
"There's our little lab rat." K said and I was forced into a chair where they chained me up. Back then I still had ALL my memories."Congrats Phantom, your officially a honory lab rat of the GIW." O said and my eyes widen in fear as I tried to get lose."NO LET ME GO!!" I kept shouting."NEVER FREAK!!" M said as she punched me. A barrel was brought in with boiling hot cole. They pulled out a piece of steel with three letters backwards GIW. They let it burn for awhile and then A came in the room with a smirk plastered on her face. My eyes widened even more as I tried to break free but they tied my head to the back of the chair and I couldn't move.

A pulled the steel and twirled it a little in her fingers and then she came to me. She placed her free hand right next to my head and we were looking into each other's eyes."Don't worry this will only give you a small pinch." She said as she now stood on the side of the chair. They pulled off my jumpsuit which was practically already falling apart. A looked around at my neck and found so called great spot to burn my flesh."GAAAAAHAHAAHHAHAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed in pain as she pressed the letters into my neck and it hurts like shit!

She pulled away as I was still screaming. They threw me into my cell after throwing some kicks and punches at me. I weakly stood up and looked at the ghost prove glass wall and saw the horrible burn marks on the roght side of neck. My eyes glowed green in anger but it soon disappeared when I fell unconscious.

Flashback ended
"PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!" I shouted."And why shouldn't we!! Where's Daniel Fenton?!" K shouted and everyone probably looked at Ginormika for answers."Whoa we don't even know who that is!!" Dr Cockroach said."MY SON!!" Mom and dad shouted as I looked outside through Ginormika's fingers and everyone was silent for awhile while mom's tears was falling."GIVE HIM UP NOW!!" K shouted as he tried to pry open Ginormika's hands. She wasn't even trying to held her hand close."SON OF A BITCH!!" O shouted."LANGUAGE!!" Some of the people shouted. I now had to make a decision and it was somewhat easy."OKAY OKAY!!" I shouted with a little hesitation. So far so good."Danny are you sure?" Ginormika said to me, opening her hand a little with her eyes a little wide."Just trust me." I said and she slowly opened her hand where I was hiding my face a little.

I was hesitant to lift up my face. Everyone in the town hates me now well my ghost half if I could even call it that."Susan put your hand on the ground." I said and she looked wide eyed at me."But these people they hate you." She said."And I can hopefully change that." I said and she looked weirdly at me as she placed her hand down on the ground. K and O came down aswell. I looked through under my arms and saw mom, dad, Jazz, Dani and Tucker coming closer. I looked through my other arm and saw Vlad with wide eyes."Stand up!" K shouted and I did so still covering my face and my insignia on my chest."Who are you?" O asked."A ghost. A really really really really really rare ghost." I said."There's only one ghosts in the world that is so rare...Halfa." K said and I smirked showing thangs."Glad you figured it out, but let me tell you this I'm not the only Halfa. Rarest yeah but the only one." I said and Sam, Tucker, Dani, Jazz and for some reason Vlad too was smiling."Who are you?" O asked in a threatening tone as he points a gun at me."I advise you to put the gun down." I said in serious monotone voice."Then stop playing games with us! WHO ARE YOU?!" O shouted as his gun started to glow green inside."Don't you recognize me?" I asked in a joking tone. Wow I have gun Batman and Joker there.

K and O stepped back one step as I let my left hand fall that was hiding my insignia."Phantom." K said darkly."Where. Is. My. Son?!" Dad shouted."His safe and alive but here's the thing I don't have him." I said as both my hands went to my sides."How's that possible? You disappeared around the same time as Danny!!" Mom shouted. I zipped down my suit halfway and pulled out my arms and tied the arms of the suit around my waist."Tell me, did your son wear a white lab coat and hurted me that much and managed to do this to me." I asked showing them how badly my neck is burned with the GIW logo."You had Phantom al along?!" Vlad shouted as he came forward in front of the idiots who did this to me."But sir we had too. We had to get answers from him." K said.

"Oh, I remember being electrocuted by you until I lost ALL my memories."I said my eyes glowing green from anger."In other words. How am I supposed to give you answers if I don't remember anything except torturous pain." I added as mom and dad stood there unable to do anything."And if you figured out who my human half was then there were to be less trouble for you." I said.

"Monsters we have a problem!!" Monger shouted and I flew in the air closer to him."Phantom why aren't you wearing your new suit properly?" Mr President asked from his arms."I had to make some things clear to these people." I whispered and they looked at each other and nodded."Monger what's the problem?" Link asked as everyone stared wide eyed at them."Well since Galaxar escaped he managed to find this space station and blew it up and a rock from Satern is coming this way to earth is extremely big." He said."Mr Masters I do believe that it is your space station." Mr President said looking from an IPad."WHAT?!! That ALIEN IS GOING TO PAY!!" He shouted as his eyes glowed red but as stupid as everyone is they didn't notice."Our scientists said that is made out of a chemical called Ecto-radium?" The president said unsure."That means no ghost or half ghost can touch it." I said."Why so?" Monger asked."Do you see the slash marks on me from ecto radium whips?" I said and he nodded."Your job is try and stop that thing if you do I can help your problem here." President said as he whispered the last part.

"We'll do it."

Danny Phantom:Experiment Project 382Where stories live. Discover now