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Normal POV
Danny woke up and felt someone's arms wrapped around his waist. He looked around and saw he was in his room, just like he left it when he was captured. He turned his attention to whose arms was wrapped around him and saw Tucker. Sleeping sound fully against Danny's scarred back.

Danny suddenly sneezed and it startled Tucker."Hey." Danny said. Tucker said nothing but hugged Danny in a tight embraced and forced them to sit up straight."I searched everywhere for. Everyday. I didn't stop." Tucker said. Danny hugged him tightly back."Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere any time soon." Danny whispered making Tucker shiver."How'd you get ghost powers?" Danny asked.

"A little help from Vlad." Tucker said."How long was he, uh so...not a fruitloop?" Danny asked and Tucker chuckled."Well since you've been gone for about a month. He started helping searching for you and he helped with training me in my powers." Tucker said.

Danny pulled back from the hug and cupped Tucker's cheek."I might have lost my memory at some point but I kept having dreams of us having fun and being together." Danny said."You did? It must've been painful. Going through all that pain and torture." Tucker said."Well, believe it or not. I got used to it after some time. I think after 3 years I got used to the pain but I still felt it." Danny said.

"How long was I out?"

"A week.".

"Wait, what?!"

"The agents, what about them?"


"The rest of the monsters?"

"In Paris, something about a snail getting in a nuclear reactor or something." Tucker said."Sam and my family?" Danny asked."Their downstairs. You wanna go see them?" Tucker asked."I have to." Danny said as he tried to stand up but couldn't stand."Why am I this weak?" He wondered out loud."Well, you used a lot of energy to save the world." Tucker answered as he helped Danny standing up and walking.

They arrived at the living room and started to go to the kitchen where everyone was."Hey, guys." Danny said and immediatly they circled around Danny."My baby boy. How're you feeling? Are you okay?" Maddie asked."Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired. I missed you all so much."

"We looked everywhere for you. We never stopped." Maddie said. Danny sat down feeling a bit dizzy."Are you alright?" Sam asked immediately next to him."Yeah, just lightheaded. I just need some more rest." Danny said.

"You all probably have questions?" Danny said."How did you get the ghosts to help?" Jack asked."Ouch...uh. Turns out I'm the next King of the Ghost Zone and they all just listened. No question asked or anything." Danny said.

"Why are you the next King?" Maddie asked slightly alarmed."I defeated Pariah Dark when he tried to swallow the town into the Ghost Zone." Danny said. Tucker placed his hand on Danny's shoulder. Danny held it and gave it a slight squeeze.

"Are there more like you?"

"There's two other than Tucker. There's Dani, she's a clone made from my DNA and the other one isn't up to me to tell." Danny said."Do you remember how they wiped your memories?" Jazz asked. Danny stayed quiet as he thought back to it.

Danny hung from the ceiling by ropes that were prickly and uncomfortable. He was bloody and beaten. Agent A stood in the shadows while Agent K and O stood there with whips."What's your name!" Agent A shouted angrily.

"Danny..." Danny gasped out but earned another whip on his torso."What's your name!" Agent A asked again."Dan..." Danny said halfway but got whipped by Agent K."WHAT'S YOUR NAME?"


"It worked." Agent K said out of breath."After a week of breaking it." Agent O said shocked."His past memories are gone. That's all I'm concerned about. Take him to the lab and tell the agents they can start with their tests. I expect a full report on my desk after today's handling." Agent A said and the other two agents saluted in response as she left.

"You don't wanna know, trust me." Danny said as he absent mindedly touched his torso with his other hand. Jazz looked at her parents for a moment. That's enough for now.

"Maybe you should go sleep more, son. You look really tired." Jack said."I'm fine." Danny said."No no. You're not pulling that again. You need some rest. You fought an alien and saved the world. You need a break. Go upstairs and get in your bed or I swear, I will drag you there myself." Sam said.

Sam looked kind off scary and Danny didn't want to make her angry while she looked scary."Alright, I'll go sleep." Danny said as Tucker helped him to stand up."Good, now get your butt in bed." Jazz added.

"Sir, yes sir!" Danny said mockingly and Tucker chuckled as Danny's parents only smiled. Tucker helped him get to bed and even got in with him."You're staying?" Danny asked sleepy."I'm not going anywhere. I missed you too much." Tucker said. Danny smiled and gave Tucker a kiss on his cheek.

Tucker blushed."I'll...be here...when you wake up." Tucker said stuttering a bit. Danny chuckled."Miss you already." Danny said. Tucker smiled and got comfortable behind Danny and snuggled into each other.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

Danny Phantom:Experiment Project 382Where stories live. Discover now