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Okay first time I wrote a book that only got one vote...feels weird for me. Not in a mean way!!
Link's POV
We were now in a disguise trying to find Susan but no lick so far."The General said that there is two unknown prisoners on the ship and then Susan." Dr Cockroach said."I can't wait to meet them, oh, maybe we can throw a party for them!" Bob said."All hail Galaxar!" The troup said that went past us."Hail Galaxar?" Dr Cockroach said unsure but they went on and we continued off."These disguises are the bomb!" Bob said."I know lets focus on finding where Susan and the prisoners are." I said as we started to move faster until we saw a gaurd pointing a gun at us and Susan."You there! You don't look like a alien!" He shouted."What of course we are Aliens. We just need more, uh, time to, uh, generate properly." Dr Cockroach said."And Galaxar wants us to take the filthy monster away." I said and he nodded."Fine, put her with the other two." He said.

"Uh mind directing us to the cells?" Bob asked."Uh, yeah sure. Go left and then right in the second door and there have the cells." He said as he went back to his troup and we followed his direction.

Danny's POV
I was invisible right above Amity Park. There was wanted pictures off me all the small town. I looked above me and saw the ship. It looks stupid. I flew in invisible where the general said I should sneak into and then I suddenly heard alarm. Was that me? I was now in a platform where they were making more of the freak and seriously I wish I could forget that in exchange for my memories."Intruder." The computer said and it sounded like a gps system. I saw some weird machine that had some greenish white stuff in it."Computer scan where the intruder is now!" The Alien said."Scanning."

"Scanning complete, it is right behind the Qoutanium extractor." The computer said."Shit!!" I shouted. I was still invisible how did the computer see me. I shot a plasma blast in the alien's back and he feel to the floor."Ahh looks like it is the other Halfa." He said and I lost my invisibility."How did you know I was Halfa?!" I growled."My little robot scanned you on Ginormika's shoulder." He said."Freak!" I shouted.

Tucker's POV
"Freak!" I heard someone shout and then heard by a scream sounding like the alien."Why does that voice sound familiar?" Vlad asked."Okay what does Galaxar want with you?" The Fishguy asked."Uh, want us to be weapons and how is there a blob, a cockroach and a walking merman in front of us?" I asked."Uh, one The name is Link not Merman and the blob is Bob and the girl is Susan. The Cockroach is Dr Cockroach." He said."Hey now! Let's make a deal!!" I heard Galaxar said in fear. I was at the bars and I saw a pitch black panther with glowing green eyes. It growled badly at Galaxar."Hey do you know him?" I asked Link. He came to the bars and looked out."Uh no. You don't think it's...?" I asked Vlad and he examined the panther closer.

He growled and roared and it send Galaxar into a wall is it makes like Danny's Ghostly Wail."Good Panther. Good boy." I said and he looked strangely at me. He then got on his hind legs and pushed a button that opened the bars."Did you get a new power?" Bob asked the panther. The panther nodded his head and we were shocked.

Danny's POV
I gotten a new power and I used it to my advantage on Galaxar and managed to release the team and the two unknown prisoners. They were ghosts I could tell."How are we going to get out of here?!" Susan shouted and she was shorter."First we need to find a escape pod and that's probably where Galaxar went."COMPUTER ACTIVATE SELF DESTRUCT SEQUENCE AND PUT THE QOUTANIUM IN MY ESCAPE POD!!" I heard Galaxar yell in the distance."Get them out of here!" I shouted as I made Susan get on my back and we ran after him."Hey what are you doing?!" She yelled."Getting Galaxar or this mess will start again!" I said and she nodded in understanding.

We ran through some doors that had Susan sized holes in it and finally caught up with Galaxar. Susan climbed off and Galaxar tried to get away from her but I cornered him. Susan tried punching him as he blocked her attacks. He eventually made a peak a boo thing and did a funny face while making."LOLOLOLOLOLOLO!!" Susan punched him in the face making him drop his blaster. Susan ran after him until I heard the screams from Link and the rest."They're trapped." I said as I changed into my Ghost Form."Shut down that Self Destruct sequence or else!" Susan said as she now held the blaster. galaxar kicked it out of her hands. It landed at his feet. I made a beeline for it but Galaxar already picked it up and pointed it at me. I turned intangible and grabbed it out of his hand and pointed it at him.

"Danny, do me a favor." Susan said."What?" I said as she pointed at the Qoutanium right above her head in a ball."Shoot it." She said and I was hesitant until I used the blaster and shot it at the balls' support structure and it fell on top of Susan."NO!! My Qoutanium!!" Galaxar shouted as he saw me about to shoot him. He ran to the top of the statue that had the ball and got into its head and I think that was the escape pod.

I turned around and tried to lift up the ball but it started to glow and the giant form of Ginormika was now in my sight. I transformed into a panther and climbed onto her shoulder."You ready?" She asked and I nodded as she busted through the floor where the count down was already at one minute. Underneath us I saw the team and the prisoners. Ginormika was holding up a part of the machine that was about to fall on them."SUSAN!!" The team shouted as I dug my claws into the jumpsuit. She picked us all up with me including and punched through the floor.

That's when I felt dizzy and passed out.

Danny Phantom:Experiment Project 382Where stories live. Discover now