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The robot scanned Ginormika and Danny. Ginormika tried moving out of the way but it was still following her. Suddenly he stopped scanning. His eye turned red and he demolished the building he was standing at and started chasing Ginormika."Why is it after you?" Danny asked as he holds on top Ginormika's jumpsuit. The fabric reminded him of his parents jumpsuit and how his felt when he put it on for the first time.

"What is that thing on her shoulder?" Galaxar asked."Scanning." The computer of his ship said."He appears to be half human and and the other half is really rare to find." The computer said."What is it?" Galaxar asked."He appears to be half ghost." The computer said and Galaxar grinned."Two birds with one stone. Computer get me that boy." Galaxar said and the computer send the commands to the robot.

"Oh SHIT NOW ITS AFTER BOTH OF US!!" Danny shouted as Susan rans to the Golden Gate Bridge."Sorry! Excuse me!" Susan shouted as she tries not to step on the cars. The robot followed her and was now in the water with Insecta-Sourus on the other side of the bridge. The robot destroyed a part of the bridge while Susan tries to keep the cars away from the destroyed part.

Dr Cockroach, Bob and Link arrived."Bob!! Take this people away!!" Susan shouted and bob picked up a car."OK!" He shouted and picked up a car and was about to throw it off the bridge."NO BOB, OPEN THE ROAD UP FOR THEM!" Dr Cockroach said."Oh, Ok!" Bob said as he opened the road."DRIVE!!!" Susan screamed as she held the robot's hand away. The people drives past her and she managed to stand up."Your doing great Susan!" Dr Cockroach shouted."A little help will be nice!!" She shouted as she tangles the robot's hand in the cables.

"Danny sneak in Dr Cockroach into the robot." Susan said. Danny groaned."Fine." He said and he picked up the Cockroach and flew into the robot's mind."Okay let's see what we have here." He said as he started to mess with the controls. He accidentally switched on the robot's eye light(?) and Insecta-sourus was distracted."INSECTA-SOURUS NO!!" Susan shouted.
Danny took Dr Cockroach to the outside and he gotten an idea."Susan get behind me!" Danny shouted and Susan let God of the robot and Danny flew invisible in front of him and released his Ghostly Wail.
Tucker's POV
I was watching the news until I saw something invisible using something similar to Danny's Ghostly Wail on that robot thing as it collapsed into the water. What if it is Danny? A voice in the back of my head said."NO!!" I shouted as I transformed and flew out the window to clear my head. I miss Danny. I want to be with him and I want him to be by my side as my boyfriend. The sun was setting and it looked beautiful.


"Oh hey." I said to Valarie."Are you ok?" She asked."No, Danny isn't Okay and I'm sitting here doing nothing. His parents are still looking for him and not finding him." I said."Don't worry, I have a feeling that he might return one day." She said."Thanks, but I'm not sure if he will return as a Halfa more like a full ghost." I said."Hey don't say that. Just don't give up, that's what Danny would've wanted." Val said.

"Thanks Val."

"Your welcome."

"Where are you my love?"

Danny's POV
I was getting some awful memories back from when I was fighting a evil version of me but it felt so long time ago. I also remembered how I died and frankly it hurt only a little."Danny now why don't you want to leave?" Monger asked me."You know probably because I don't have all my memories back and just because hat thing is down doesn't mean the real Alien won't send more." I said and he looked wide eyed at me,

"Well, you need to leave. President's orders." He said."Hey if I wanted to leave I would've already but I can't because those GIW agents will find me again and they will experiment on me wierher I am a human or a ghost." I said.

Galaxar's POV
"AHHH!!! How did a lower life form destroy my robot?!!" I shouted in anger."This lower life form is extremely powerful and is one of four of his kind." Computer said."Computer, scan for the others of his life form."


"Found one in a town called Amity Park."

"Wow that's fast."

"What does it look like?" I asked and the computer and she projected a image of a man in a black suit and tied up hair into a pony."Set course to this Amity Park." I said and the ship started to fly to the huge island the humans calls America.

Vlad's POV
I was trying to track Daniel for the past ten years and I still haven't found anything. Daniel's best friend Tucker is now fighting Skulker. Suddenly there was screams heard from outside my office. The doors flew open and some weird squid thing walked into the room with some kind of blaster aimed at me."Come with me if you want to live." He said."Excuse me."  I said getting in a battle stance."Pft, lower life form, you will come with me and be my weapon." He said.

I transformed and readied a plasma blast. Just then Tucker was blasted into my office as he sucked in Skulker into the thermos."Did I miss something?" He said and stood next to me with a battle stance."Galaxar found new male of the species." His wrist watch said."Both of you are coming with me." He said and I shot him with a ecto blast but he just redirected to me and Tucker and we were knocked us unconscious.

Danny Phantom:Experiment Project 382Where stories live. Discover now