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Danny's POV
"Danny we have a device that will help to retrieve your memories a little faster, we can hook you up to it, if you are brave enough for that pain." Monger said."How long will it take?" I asked eager to find out more."Most of your memories will be back in four to five days." He said."Do it!" I said and he nodded as he showed me to a different room. It almost looked like the torturous rooms from the GIW but more, how can I say it, safe."Remember I warned you and it involves a little electricity." Monger warned. Yeah, I know what your thinking. But Danny is the cause of your death. Here's the thing: I. Don't. Care.

"What should I do?" I asked."Just sit back and relax in that chair while my top scientists hook you up to the machine." Monger said and I immediately sat down in the chair where they put some helmet on my head with huge cables leading to a computer.

Vlad's POV
I wome up with Tucker. My eyes was blurry and I could see a lot of grey and black and a little bit off white."What happened?" Tucker said as he sat up straight."I remember some alien squid face thing." I said and Tucker nodded in agreement as both our eyes came into focus."Where are we?" Tucker asked as we both looked at our clothes."Hey where's my jumpsuit?" Tucker said."Gah! And my cape!" I shouted. Both of hs were wearing a black jumpsuit that looked like it had a cosmic pattern on it. Suddenly some two hovering platforms came to us and put us in a cage with red bars.

"Finally your awake!" I heard a voice said as something came from a distance."What do you want?!" Tucker growled."I want you to be my weapon. Ghosts are extremely rare and difficult to find and your half ghost which makes you even more rare." He explained."So aliens exist. I thought they would be way more smarter!" I said as I shot a ecto blast at the bars but only for it to disappear."Hmm, I am way more smarter. I know where one of your friends that went missing is." He said.

"WHERE IS HE YOU SQUID FACE?!" Tucker shouted."Figure it out yourself." He said as he went to one direction and the cage hovered after him. We reached a cell after he talked about his story about how he wants to rule over everything and so on. I yawned since it was just bull shit.

"Dude, not interested!" Tucker shouted as we were dropped into a cell.

"Oh Butter Biscuits." I said."You onow to say baby swears isn't going to help." Tucker said."Fine I'll swear in a language you didn't study in. French." I said."Oh say one swear word in French." He said."Ta Gueule.(Pronounced-Ta-Gool)"

"What does that mean?"

"It means shut the fuck up." I said as his eyes glowed red."Have you found any leads on Danny?"

Danny's POV
I woke up in my room. I felt a little dizzy but felt better soon after. I hope this works. I closed my eyes and tried to see what I have uncovered. My best friend is Sam and Tucker. I have a daughter named Danielle and Jazz is my sister. Jack and Maddie Fenton is my parents. That's all. I know I will get them all back later. Monger left my door open. I wonder why. I poked my head out and saw no one is there. I phased through the wall that went to the chilling room and saw no one there. I went back to my room and just sat on my bed untill Monger showed up.

"Ahh I see your awake. How do you feel?" He asked."A little dizzy but I will manage." I said."Where is everyone and why is my door open?" I asked."Well we figured you all might aswell get a little taste of freedom before going into the outside world." He said and I was confused."Come with me." He said and I floated behind him."Here, we got you a new jumpsuit." He said as he gave me a new jumpsuit that looked precisely like my old one."How'd you fix it?" I asked as I held it in front of me. We were now in a hallway."We actually bought you a new one and took the symbol and made a replica." He said."Also Ginormika and the others are in trouble." He said."Wait how long have I been out?!" I asked."About two days." He said and my jaw hung to the floor.

"We need you to go into the mothership of the Alien and destroy it from the inside out while saving the rest of the monsters and two unknown individuals." He said and I nodded. I looked at my symbol on my jumpsuit and remembered that Sam made it for me and what my obsession is."I remember my obsession!!" I shouted."Your what?" Monger asked as he stopped."All ghost has a obsession. Without it the ghost has no point to 'live' and will fade away out of existence. Mine is too protect people!!" I shouted as I changed into my new jumpsuit and tossed the old one into a garbage can."Glad you remembered that. Now Insecta-Sourus was shot down and we suspect that he is slowly dying. Bob, Dr Cockroach and Link is now on the ship trying to save Ginormika." He said.

"Where can I sneak in?"

"In the bottom in the middle of the ship is a spot to sneak in unnoticed. Go up in there and find Ginormika and the prisoners and the rest of the team and bring them back down to safety." He said and I nodded and saluted him."Thank You general Monger." I said as I turned intangible and flew through the roof and where I saw on the map where that ship was currently floating. I turned invisible not to be noticed. I noticed that I had gained more wight and I was starting to form muscles.

"Amity Park. Here comes Danny Phantom."

Danny Phantom:Experiment Project 382Where stories live. Discover now