Different Name= Different You?

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4. "Does a person's name influence the person they become?"

Ibis: Anyone who has ever heard Johnny Cash's song, "Boy Named Sue", truly knows that the name you are given can completely affect the person you become. For those who haven't heard the song, I will simply say that a boy was turned able to fight quite well as a result of his girly name, a gift from his father before he left him(Sue) for awhile. 

Even without the song there are still ways that a name can impact you and your personality. For example, if you were given a weird or embarrassing name, there is a good chance that that will most likely affect the person you become, for you may be more defensive out of principle or the name could cause you to move away from others simply because they insult you on it. You could develop a complex or may avoid society(worst case scenarios here). 

So I would probably suggest spending a little time on your child's name before giving it to them (just in case). :)

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