No words, no language, no rational thought?

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6. "Can rational thought exist without language?"

Ibis: Nope. Nope, it can't. Language allows us, for the most part, to thoroughly express our ideas, which we must associate with words or some other way of communication in order to get our points across. There is a fine connection in some cases between the complexity of a language(and how much stuff is represented in it) and how well the people survive and thrive. For example, there have been studies on cultures that have are unable to count past 10. This group, when given IQ testing, didn't do quite well, oddly enough, due to the fact that a group that only needs 10 numbers clearly aren't doing much groundbreaking, mind boggling work. 

In addition to this, people aren't very good at expressing and acknowledging things they have no words for. For example, certain emotions in other languages don't exist to them because they have no actual word(s) to represent it. For certain cultures there are certain words meant to describe specific things truly only recognized by that culture. Logically, if you said this word to a person from another culture who had no knowledge of it(because there is no word to describe it, therefore it is, for the most part, out of mind), you couldn't expect them to immediately understand what it was you were trying to say, even though it's something you understand. 

If one can only communicate through meager gestures and a feeble form of communication, how much can you really expect to get done? I'm fairly certain that someone who only had about 100 ways to describe different things would have a hard time trying to form an equation for the Earth's speed relative to the moon, or to find manageable ways to harness renewable energy sources in new and inventive ways. 

Also, if rational, complex thought were capable with no real form of language, then why can't lions create blueprints for skyscrapers, and why can't schools of fish actually design a school with a system of education? If rational thought is a given, why doesn't every animal and creature on this funny little Earth demonstrate brilliant intellect that is usually common among the human race?

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