What two questions would tell you the most about someone?

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18. "What two questions would you ask to get the most information about who a person truly is?"


1. What phrase or quote would you want to be put on your gravestone if you died tomorrow?

Now, this can offer a variety of things. Personally, on my gravestone, I would probably want something with dark humor, something that is amusing but, at the same time, make you step back a little with a surprised look on your face. My idea behind this question is that this kind of gives a bit of an idea of the personality of the person. Me, being a dark humored, tactless brainiac, I would want to be shocking people even after I could no longer do it in person.

Whatever is put on your gravestone is the last thing that will ever have any information about me, the last thing to represent you and your life. Therefore, you obviously would want to make that count, meaning that you would want to put down something that basically sums your entire existence up, or what you stood for.

2. How similar are the ways people see you and how you see yourself?/Do people think of you the same way you think of yourself, or do they think of you differently?

This can also give you a bit of an insight to a person's personality. How accurate a person's idea of themselves relates to other's opinions on them can tell a lot about them. For example, a pompous individual may say that everyone thinks they are great, and they agree wholeheartedly. Same thing goes for the opposite style of person. So, if the person often puts themselves down, they may say bad things about themselves that other people believe aren't true. For the most part, people with mild to moderate depression tend to have more realistic views on their limitations, abilities, and so on, although they tend to have negative thoughts and perceptions of themselves. 

Risu: The two questions I would ask someone would probably be "If you were to create a fictional character, what would break them as a person?" Which will often reflect what would break the person creating the character. The second would likely be along the lines of "What do you have pictures of on your phone?" This question will tell you what they fear to lose as pictures capture moments 'forever'. You could also ask them who their favorite character is is different shows, our favored characters are the ones we can relate two the most so it would be interesting to build a profile from the characters they relate to.

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