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A/N: hey guysss this is my first ff here so I hope u enjoy :}. This will be mostly fluff so yea.... maybe smut later on¿

{Jin~ black, Yoongi~ white, Hoseok~ red, Namjoon~ gray, Jimin~ platinum, Taehyung~blonde, Jungkook~ raven}

~third person pov~

Taehyung ran down the driveway, rushing to get the mail. Today would be the day when he (hopefully) received his college acceptance letters. The boy was practically jumping out of his socks when he saw the mail boy turn the corner on his bike. It was a beautiful spring day, there was a slight breeze floating in the air, balancing out the mid spring weather. He'd wished that there were cherry blossom petals falling at his feet, but the melting snow, blooming flowers and everlasting sunlight was good enough for him.

Taehyung, on his sprint to the mailbox, almost tripped, and when he picked himself up he saw the delivery boy chuckle at him.

"What's so funny, mail boy?" Taehyung questioned. The more Taehyung looked at the boy, the more he realized he was cute, hot even.

"Nothing, i just thought of something funny." He giggled to himself, his eyes crinkling at the edges, his bunny teeth in full view. Taehyung was struck with how adorable the boy looked when he smiled.

Hot damn, he's cute.

"Umm, can I have my mail please?" The delivery boy suddenly realized his mistake and quickly handed over the bulky pile of mail. He could feel the acceptance letters awaiting the boy, and fumbled to hand them over. A small blue envelope fluttered to the pavement, both boys reaching down to pick it up, knocking heads in the process.

"I'm so so sorry," Taehyung immediately exclaimed, rubbing his head soothingly. Before he even knew what he was doing, he stretched out his hand to the delivery boy.

"I'm Kim Taehyung." The delivery boy felt his cheeks flush, but he took the boy's hand anyway.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook." Awkward silence surrounded the two, electricity sending jolts through their connected hands. Taehyung smiled his box smile and waved goodbye to Jungkook. As Jungkook walked back to his bike, he thought about how cute Taehyung's smile was. He smiled in spite of himself and moved on to the next house.

As soon as Taehyung stepped inside, his best friend, Park Jimin, who came over to study, immediately rushed up to Taehyung.

"Oh my god the delivery boy was so fucking cute! It looks like you two really hit it off!" He half yelled. Jimin was openly bi, but Taehyung was still unsure of his sexuality

"C'mon Jimin, I'll probably never see him again anyway." Taehyung's heart kind of tugged at the thought, but he ignored the feeling.

A/N: sry I'm not a great writer but at least I tried. Loving namjin fluff rn. <3

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