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~jungkook pov~

The familiar café bell chimed as we stepped inside. We both had work today, so we decided to come to work together. The familiar girl stood at the counter, chatting with Jin, the second chef, about menu options. She smiled and waved at us, gesturing to where we could set up. I walked over to grab a pen and pad, and set out to waiting tables.

I walked over to a girl in the corner, who was drawing on a sketch pad. She looked up as I approached. She was beautiful, but not as gorgeous as Tae. I admit, it i weren't gay, i probably would want that, but I focused on Tae nearby, who was helping fill in for a missing chef. His beret slid down on his face a little, and he laughed. His smile reminded me of everything I loved about him, and I shook off any thoughts of the girl.

"He is truly gorgeous, isn't he?" The girls voice startled me, and I snapped out of my zone. I blushed and gave a small nod. She looked around and motioned for me to sit down, and my curiosity got the better of me, so I sat down across from her. "I'm Jennie, I know this is kinda weird, but you like him right?" She smiled encouragingly at me, and I felt safe. "Yea, I just-I love him." I blurted the words out, gasping at my bluntness. "Sorry, I've never told anyone before," I took a deep breath, "but it's true." I caught his eye, and he winked at me. I smiled back, and turned back to Jennie. "You guys would be so cute together, I ship it." She smiled approvingly, and I silently thanked her for being so kind.

"You should probably get going, but don't worry, you're a catch, and everything will work out." She gave me a warm smile, and gently nudged me away. I walked over to Taehyung, and gave him a small back hug, embracing his warmth and smell. "What's that for?" He asked, confused. "Oh, nothing, just-" I cut off, not really knowing why myself. "Just cause." I finished, smiling.

"Thank you guys so much, and thank you, Tae, for filling in for the missing chef." He smiled and gave a small thumbs up, grinning at her. I walked over to the door, slipping on my jacket. I watched Tae pull on his coat, and he smiled at me.

~taehyung pov~

We walked in the soft moonlight, a breeze keeping the night air cool. The smell of cinnamon drifted over us, and my tummy rumbled in hunger. I sniffed the air, the delicious smell making me hungry. Jungkook chuckled at my behavior, "you wanna grab a bite?" I nodded eagerly, and walked over to the softly lit shop. The door clicked open, and the shop owner looked up. She was old and frail, but smiled warmly at us. "Hello dears, how may I help you?" I walked eagerly up to the counter, observing the delicacies with delight. "Can I have a cinnamon roll and hot chocolate please?" She nodded, and looked at Jungkook, "can I have a cinnamon pretzel, and a chocolate shake?" She moved around the counter, getting our food together. "That's $12.46," I reached for my wallet, but Jungkook's hand stopped me. "I got this," he said, smiling at me, " you can pay next time," he said with a grin.

"Here you are, now," she handed us the food, and gave us a smile. We walked over to a comfy booth, and sat down. "Hey Tae Tae, could you go over my lyrics later?" I smiled at the use of my nickname and nodded, hot chocolate splashing in its cup. "Yea, I'd love to, i need help with the melody too." He smiled at me, taking my breath away. We stood to go, and I waved goodbye. As Jungkook nudged the door open, bringing in the cool evening air, she beckoned me towards her, and I walked over the the counter. "I can see the love between you, you will be a beautiful couple some day, just you wait." She took my hands in hers, and I smiled widely at her, filled with pride at her compliment. "Tae Tae?" Kookie called from the door. I turned to face him and smiled, "let's go!" I walked back over to him and linked my arm in his. I turned back to the old lady, and she beamed at me. The door swung shut with a click, and we walked together in comfortable silence all the way back to the dorm.

~third person pov~

As soon as they stepped back into their dorm room, Jungkook plopped down on the nearest bed. "Kookie? Are we switching beds now?" Jungkook stood up with a shock, realizing he sat down on Taehyung's bed. "N-no, I-uh," Jungkook stuttered, fumbling over his words. "It's ok, Kookie, I think I got the better bed anyway." Jungkook blushed, and sat down on the floor, his back resting on Taehyung's bed.

"Is something wrong?" Taehyung asked, laying down on the floor, placing his head in Jungkook's lap. He looked up into Kookie's eyes, confusion lining his face. Jungkook reached down to trace the edges of Taehyung's face. His fingers lingered near Tae's lips, and he was once again mesmerized by the utter beauty that was Kim Taehyung.

They both mouthed silently to each other, I love you.

A/N: sorry, kinda a filler chapter, less than a thousand words sry. <3

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