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~taehyung pov~

Music was radiating from the small building, and I shuddered excitedly. I latched onto Kookie's arm and smiled my wide box smile at him. He looked back over at me and gave me a small smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. So cute.

"Seokjin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook." Jin said to the bodygaurd outside the club. "Yea, I see you, party of oneJung Hoseok. Go on in." The man pushed open the door for us, and we all headed inside. The room was dimly lit, but inviting, well, as inviting as a club could be.

There were small sofas and love seats littered around the space, with a stage in the back for performances. There was a long bar on the right side with people sitting and chatting. Yoongi and Jimin left to the bar, going to get some drinks.

"Hobi's gonna be playing in, like, ten minutes, so just get comfortable and socialize for now." Namjoon reassured us. Jin dragged him away from us over to a very small loveseat, and all of a sudden, it was just me and Kookie. There was silence, but it was comfortable, soothing.

I saw Jungkook next to me fidgeting and tugging at his shirt. "Is something wrong Jungkookie?" I asked. "I'm ok, I'm just a little nervous, that's all." He mumbled. I linked arms with him and said, "don't worry Kookie, you look great, and you have me!" He smiled and blushed, and my heart fluttered uncontrollably.

I sighed. Jungkook will never love me back. I fell in love with his smile and his laugh the first day I met him, but I tried to forget about him over the past few months. Once school started, I could barely control myself. He was always so nice and caring, but he never really showed that he was interested that way.

"Hello? Tae Tae, Earth to Taehyung," I blinked, and noticed Jungkook was waving his hand in front of my face. I felt my cheeks heat up and knew I looked like a tomato. "Sorry, I was just thinking." I shrugged. Not everything is meant to be, I guess.

Beeeeeeep. The microphone wined as Hobi adjusted it to get ready. I laughed and looked at Jungkook, who was smiling as well. He looks so adorable when he smiles.

"Hi guys! I'm your hope, I'm your angel, I'm J-Hope!" Hobi said. Jungkook pulled my arm so we could go up closer to watch Hobi perform. My arm tingled with warmth from Kookie's touch, and I followed closely behind him to a table for two.

If only you knew.

"Tae hyung, you wanna grab some drinks?" Jungkookie asked me. "Sure," I said, walking with him to the bar. We sat down and ordered our drinks. Once the bartender walked away, Jungkookie put his hand on my thigh, and I flushed a deep red, my heart racing at his intimate touch. I smiled a wide rectangular smile at him, showing it was okay. When Hobi was done performing, I looked behind me back over to the stage to applaud him.

"God damnit Taehyung I love you so fucking much." I whipped around when I heard that. Am I hearing things? Did he say what I just think he said?

"W-what?" I asked, startled. "N-nothing, j-just a cough." He stuttered. Of course not silly, he would never say that.


Jungkook POV


I shut the door behind us after the long climb up the dorm stairs. I staggered drunkenly over to my bed, a little woozy from my two drinks. "Jungkook, ah, you only had two drinks, how can you be so drunk already?" I blushed at his comment and scolded myself for being so sensitive to alcohol.

He probably thinks I'm a wimp. Ugh. He'll never like me now.

"Kookie, you wanna take a shower?" I was snapped out of my daze, and looked up, surprised. He flushed immediately, "I mean, you first or something." He said while scratching his neck nervously. Isn't he just fucking adorable.

"Yea I'll take a quick shower first." I mumbled, walking into the bathroom and shutting the door behind me. The cold air bit at my skin as I stepped out of the shower. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. Opening the door to our room.

"I hope I left enough warm water for y-." I cut off when I saw a shirtless Taehyung in boxers leaning on his bed, fast asleep. I chuckled at the sight and sighed. He's beautiful even when he's asleep. I pulled him up onto his bed and grabbed his blanket, pulling it over him and tucking him in. I let my hand linger on his warm cheeks, brushing my fingers against his lips.

"I love you, Tae Tae." I smiled and walked over to my bed, grabbing the closest shirt and pulling it on, being careful not to wake Taehyung up. I shut off the lamp and whispered a goodnight to Taehyung. Before I fell asleep, I thought I heard "goodnight, my Kookie," but blinked it away, blaming it on how intoxicated I was.

A/N: I'm so sry that this chap is so short and boring. I didn't rlly know what I was doing so, yea. <3

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