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"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Taehyung screamed.

"What's wrong? What happened? Why are you screaming??" Jimin's head perked up immediately at the sound of his friend's outburst. Taehyung smiled his wide box smile and yelled with delight.

"I GOT IN JIMINIE!! I GOT INTO OUR DREAM COLLEGE!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!" Taehyung jumped around the living room, filled with glee.

"It's actually happening ChimChim!! We're going to college!" The boys bounced around the living room, hugging each other tightly.

a few months later

Taehyung stepped out of the car, pulling out his heavy suitcases, nearly tripping on the curb.

"Jiminieeee hurry uppppp," Taehyung said anxiously. It was their first day of university, and Taehyung couldn't be happier, even though Jimin signed up to room with Min Yoongi, he was overjoyed knowing he would spend his college days with his hyungs.

Taehyung shoved the door open, nearly running into Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin. They were in the middle of a heavy makeout and Taehyung giggled. They had been dating for a while and Taehyung was a proud shipper of them. The three of them had been great friends for a while, and had Taehyung helped set them up.

"Get a room you two. Oh wait. You already have one." Jimin snickered at his own joke and pushed past them, checking for his room assignment.

"Awesome! We're neighbors Tae!" Taehyung smiled and walked over to see his room assignment.

Park Jimin - Min Yoongi 167
Kim Taehyung - Jeon Jungkook 168
Kim Namjoon - Kim Seokjin 169 (hehe)

"Let's go Jiminie!" Taehyung furrowed his brow, recognizing the name, but not knowing from where. They tread up the four flights of stairs and looked for their rooms, the two whining about the long climb. Jimin and Yoongi's rooms' door was propped open, and music could be heard from down the hall. Jimin sighed and bid goodbye to Taehyung, walking into his dorm room and shutting the door behind him. He could hear laughter and a loud thud. Taehyung shook his head and stepped inside.


The first thing he noticed was how messy half of the room was. The second thing he noticed was the hot guy dancing in the corner, earbuds in, shirt sticking to his chest, completely oblivious to the fact that Taehyung just walked in. Taehyung thought it to be absolutely adorable; he was definitely going to get used to this. The boy looked up, suddenly realizing he was not alone. He flushed a deep crimson color and unplugged his earbuds.

"Taehyung? It's me, Jungkook, the delivery boy?" Everything in Taehyung's mind clicked, and he was reminded of Jungkook's bunny smile, and the way his eyes crinkled at the corners. Taehyung smiled his box smile and wrapped Jungkook in a warm hug.

"It's so nice to see you again Kookie!" Jungkook smiled at the nickname and hugged back. They broke apart after a few seconds and Taehyung plopped his stuff down on the empty bed. Taehyung awkwardly scratched his head, not knowing what to do. Thankfully, Jungkook's belly grumbled, and Taehyung  chuckled, sensing the latter's hunger.

"Hey you wanna go to the café nearby? I'm pretty hungry too" Taehyung said, nodding towards Jungkook's stomach. Jungkook smiled and blushed, showing his bunny teeth.

"I'd love to, hyung! Let me change my shirt and we can leave." Taehyung nodded, but gave a start when Jungkook pulled his shirt off in the middle of the room, exposing his toned abs. He caught himself staring and looked away.


Once Jungkook was done changing, they walked out of the room and Taehyung shut the door behind them. As they went down the four flights of stairs, they talked about how their lives were all the way to the café. 

A/N: I hope you guys like it so far! Bye angels <3

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