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A/N: recently got into some Yoonmin smut (thanks juicy) and what is life¿

Taehyung POV


Beep. Beep. I smacked the alarm with my hand, nearly rolling off the bed. 6:30. 


"Jungkookie, ah, we're gonna be late. Wake upppppp!" He half-yelled. 

"Aghhhhh it's too early, hyung." I jumped up out of bed, pulled on a sweatshirt and black skinny jeans. I noticed Jungkook was still sleeping so I picked up the closest pillow and started smacking him with it.

"Jungkook! We're going to be late, get up." I whined. It was the first official day of university and I couldn't wait. I started jumping around the room, gathering my stuff to get ready. I threw a white t-shirt and jeans from his closet in his direction and heard a muffled groan. I bent down to pull on my sneakers when all of a sudden I felt a pair of strong arms around my waist lift me up. I flushed a deep red and giggled, my heart fluttering. 

"You're going to pay for that TaeTae." Kookie exclaimed, tickling my stomach. My breath caught at the sound of my nickname, and I tried to wiggle my way out of his hold. 

"Kookie we have to go. Plus, you're going to make us both late." I yelled back, barely able to hold in my laughter. I jumped off him and he pushed me to the wall all of a sudden. Our faces were millimeters apart, and I could taste his warm, sweet breath on my cheeks, and I felt my body heat up. I stared into his beautiful chocolate brown orbs, biting my lip. We stood there for a while, our lips coming dangerously close, but a knock on the door startled us out of our trance.

"Tae, are you in there? It's ChimChim and Yoongi." Jimin shouted through the door. I sighed and yelled, "I'm coming Jiminie, just give me a sec." I grabbed my books and took Kookie by the arm, dragging him out of our dorm room. I smiled to myself at the moment we just shared. 

What was happening to me? How can a small town delivery boy make me feel this way? Do I like him?

A/N: Short and boring chap sry sry. Bye angels <3

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