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A/N: if I ever get a bf (which I won't) imma spend all his money on kpop merch. Ly nonexistent future bae ;)

February 14
~third person pov~

Taehyung whistled quietly as they walked back to their dorm. Namjoon and Jin walked together, hands entwined, admiring the moon. "Hyung, ah, pick me up," Jimin whined to Yoongi. He sighed, but pulled the younger onto his back, resting his legs on his hips. Jimin giggled, and steered him around.

Jungkook smiled at the happy couples a little sadly, wishing he could be that way with someone. Not just someone, Tae. He shook his head and patted his stomach, which was very full after their Valentine's Day dinner. As he was walking, he tripped over a crack in the pavement. His arms flew out in an attempt to brace himself, but a strong pair of arms wrapped around his waist, keeping him from falling.

"Did your parents ever teach you how to walk?" Taehyung laughed. Jungkook flushed deeply, and smiled, ridiculously embarrassed. Taehyung reached to pull up Jungkook's chin with his index finger. He tilted the younger's face towards his. "But then again, if you were mine, you'd never be able to walk." His words caused the raven's cheeks to flame a vibrant red, and he looked down again.

Ahem. Namjoon's voice broke the still air around the two. A small smack sounded from when Jin slapped Namjoon on his chest. "Pabo," he muttered, causing Namjoon to look very confused. "What?" he half-shouted. The boys snapped back to reality, and their cheeks flushed with heat. Taehyung breathed a slight sigh, and his sweet breath washed over Jungkook, intoxicating him. The raven leaned slightly closer to the blonde, their faces mere centimeters apart. Jungkook's lips parted slightly, and Taehyung was taken aback with how good he looked.

Bang Bang Bang.

Jimin's phone rang loudly, causing everyone to jump slightly. "What is it Hoe?" Jin stifled a giggle, and the two finally pulled apart. "You guys wanna come to my show tonight?" A faint voice was heard among the group through Jimin's phone. Everyone nodded their agreement, "sure! Text me the address!" He hung up with an enthusiastic goodbye, and smiled at everyone.

His phone chimed, and he looked down at the incoming text message. "You guys wanna go back the dorm to change?" Yoongi asked, picking at his grandpa fleece shyly. "Sure!" Jin said, clapping his hands. With that, the group headed back to the dorms.

"Taehyung, ah," Jungkook said, scratching his neck shyly. "Ya, Kookie," Taehyung replied, still facing his closet. "Do I look okay?" Taehyung let loose a laugh at the younger's words. He turned around to see Jungkook wearing a simple white shirt with bleached jeans. He clicked his tongue and turned back to his closet, picking through his endless supply of shirts and sweaters. He paused at a vibrant blue denim shirt. He pulled it off the hanger and flung it over his shoulder, landing on Jungkook's head. The younger laughed, and te older turned around.

At the sight of the younger covered in cloth, he doubled over with laughter, and walked over to Jungkook, who was attempting to blow it off of his head. Taehyung pulled off the shirt with an extravagant flourish, and was greeted by Jungkook's wide bunny smile. The older's breath caught, and he leaned ever so slightly closer, breathing in the younger's minty breath. Taehyung smiled widely, showing his iconic box smile. He slowly wrapped the denim shirt around the younger's strong shoulders, and his hand lingered on Jungkook's chest.

A loud rapping on the door broke their gaze, and both sighed. Can they never get a moment alone? "Hurry up, maknaes," Yoongi's voice came from the hall, and they released each other's gaze. "Hyung, ah, we're coming," Jungkook said, adjusting his new shirt. Taehyung smiled and ruffled the younger's hair. "Let's go," as they were leaving their room, Taehyung jumped up on Taehyung's back, and they made quite the cute pair.

(what this was all based off of ;))

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(what this was all based off of ;))

Yoongi smirked to himself, "c'mom love birds, we don't have all night." Both boys blushed, but Taehyung kept a firm grip on Jungkook's shoulders, his thighs pressed against the younger's hips.


February 15
~third person pov~

"Taehyung, ah, why does the laundry take so long?" Jungkook pawed at the dryer door, and Taehyung leaned against a nearby washer, sliding down the side. "I don't know, Kookie, we've only been here," he glanced at his watch, "fifteen minutes." Both boys sighed at the time, and Jungkook sat down next to Taehyung on the cool tile floor.

Once the boys' clothes were done drying, they carried their baskets up the four flights of stairs, Taehyung having to kick the door open with his foot. Both boys struggled in, supporting the weight of their laundry, Taehyung's pile noticeably larger. The two dumped their piles on their beds, and they stretched their arms in relief.

"Tae Tae hyung, you take so long to fold," Jungkook huffed, looking at the older's remaining pile. The blonde turned to him and pouted crossing his arms. "I had more laundry," he said, gesturing to his pile of already folded clothes. "Come here," Taehyung beckoned for Jungkook to come closer. "Let's see who can fold the fastest." He divided the pile into two even piles, pushing one closer to Jungkook's side of the bed.

"This is just an excuse for me to fold your laundry," Jungkook accused, pushing the elder's shoulder. "Maybe," Taehyung grinned, "now are we gonna prove you're a slow folder or what?" The pair turned to the two piles. "Three, two, one, go!" They immediately attacker the pile. "Tae, ah, why do you have so many shirts?" The older merely giggled and continued folding. Jungkook saw he was falling behind, so he attempted to mess up Taehyung's folded pile.

"Cheater!" Taehyung accused, messing up Jungkook's pile, Jungkook pushed Taehyung onto the older's bed, pressing his wrists onto the bed. Taehyung wriggled and flipped Jungkook over, leaving him on top. They were both overcome with laughter, and eventually collapsed side by side onto Taehyung's bed. "Hey, whatcha-" a voice from the hall startled all three of them, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jin, who had been watching the two play around from the door they forgot to close. "Oh, hey Jooni," Jin said awkwardly, trying to cover up that he had been standing there for a while. "What's wrong?" Namjoon asked innocently. Jin muttered a line of curse words, and dragged Namjoon away by the ear, his insults heard loud and clear by everyone within range.

"What a mom." Taehyung whispered. "What a mom."

A/N: idk what I'm doing with the plot tbh i might just go thru and edit previous chaps or someth cuz I'm lazy and messy. I legit have 6 drafts of diff endings so... yea. <3

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