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A/N: is this picture not adorable? my taekook fluff heart ugh


The door swung open, and the bell gave a happy jingle. Taehyung and Jungkook walk side by side, barely an inch between them. Sighs sounded from nearby girls and even a few guys at the sight of the beautiful blonde and raven haired male, their beauty shocking. When they walked up to the cashier, she stood in a state of shock, flushing as she realized she was staring. The two ordered their food, and after Taehyung had already turned and walked away, the girl said to Jungkook,

"you guys are an adorable couple. I wish you two the best." Jungkook smiled to himself and followed Taehyung to a cozy corner of the café.

As they waited for their food, Tae and Kookie chatted amongst themselves, ignoring the stares and whispers surrounding them. As the waiter, who happened to be Kim Seokjin, set down their food, Jin gave Taehyung a subtle wink and chuckled as he walked away. Jungkook immediately dug into his food, getting crumbs all over his face. Tae giggled at Jungkook's actions and nudged him under the table. Jungkook looked up, blushing because of Taehyung's wide box smile, thinking about how adorable he looked.

"Kookie, ah, you have food all over your face." Tae sighed and shook his head, laughing the entire time. Jungkook licked all over his face trying to look seductive, but ultimately looking like a dog. Taehyung let a burst of giggles escape and doubled over with laughter.

Taehyung reached over the table leaning to wipe the crumbs off of Jungkook's face, their faces mere inches apart. Their eyes met, and they stared into each other's eyes for what felt like forever, lost in each other's gorgeous orbs. Jungkook leaned his chin into Taehyung's hold subconsciously. Taehyung released a soft breath, intoxicating Jungkook with the sweet scent.

"TAE! It's us! Chim Chim and Yoongs!" Jimin exclaimed at the sight of Taehyung's signature jacket. Jimin and Yoongi walked over, hand in hand, Yoongi looking as tired as ever. Taehyung and Jungkook snapped out of their trance, both flushing a deep red. Jimin stopped at the sight of their proximity, and subtly punched Taehyung in the shoulder, nudging him suggestively. They both looked down, suddenly finding their plates very interesting.

"Hey Chim Chim, what's up?" Taehyung sighed. "Nothing much, I'll talk to you later." Jimin giggled and dragged Yoongi away, whispering to him about the two.

Jungkook rubbed his neck nervously and suggested they head back to the dorms.

Once they were back, Jungkook plopped down on his bed, collapsing from the long climb up four flights of stairs. Taehyung chuckled at his exaggerated behavior and stepped into the bathroom, peeking his head out to look at Jungkook.

"I'm gonna take a shower real quick." A funny feeling welled up in Kookie's stomach at the thought of Taehyung showering in the next room, but ignored it, blaming it on how late it was.

Once Taehyung was out of the shower, he realized he forgot his pants, so he slipped on his boxers and walked out of the bathroom to grab his pajamas. He rummaged around for his clothes, completely forgetting about his roommate, who was watching him do so. Jungkook got a full view of Taehyung's toned abs and thighs, but sighed when he looked down. Well, shit.

Taehyung slipped on his comfy sweats and turned around, when he noticed Jungkook's eyes on him. Jungkook quickly looked down and felt his face heat up. Snap out of it, you just met, plus, he's your roommate. Jungkook thought to himself, he wasn't gay, or at least he didn't think he was, but his new roommate was seriously making him question himself. Shake it off Jungkook, he's your roommate for fucks sake, plus, he probably doesn't even like you.

"Everything okay?" Taehyung asked at the sight of Jungkook's furrowed brow, smiling his widest box smile. Jungkook laughed at the older's expression.

"Everything is great." He replied, smiling his bunniest smile.

A/N: I was bored so I wrote like 650 words walp all is good my ppl. <3

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