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A/N: Lumme sum taekook fanart :} I just read thru my last chapter and realized 400 words is legit nothing. I feel bad now :{

~jungkook pov~

The bell rang right as we walked in the door, and the teacher gave us a stern look before we sat down in the back, Tae and I barely able to control our giggles. Class dragged by, but Taehyung and I passed notes to each other expressing our boredom.


Ding. Ding. The school bell rang, showing class was over. Students flooded past us, chatting about class and their lives. Jimin and Yoongi walked over to us, or at least, Yoongi did. Jimin practically sprinted over, jumping onto Taehyung's lap.  An uncomfortable feeling sprouted up in my stomach at the sight of Tae's comfort with Jimin, and I looked away.

Why am I acting like this? They're best friends, why do I feel jealous? There's no reason to be...

I smirked as Yoongi possessively pulled Jimin off of Tae.

"I'm hungry, you guys wanna grab some lunch?" I suggested, feeling my stomach rumble.

"Awesome! I'm super hungry! Let's go grab pizza or something." Taehyung exclaimed, smiling his beautiful box smile.

Damn. He could kill with that smile.

He jumped up and linked his arm through mine. He whispered in my ear, "You'll get used to them, don't worry." His deep voice sent chills down my spine, and I felt my cheeks flush. "Heh, y-yea." Why am I stuttering?


We grabbed our lunch and headed over to a table where Namjoon and Jin were sitting, or should I say, making out. When I saw them all over each other, I looked in Tae's direction, and my eyes locked with his. I smiled at him, and Je pouted at me, giving me puppy dog eyes. God damn it, why is he so fucking cute. I chuckled and headed over to the table, sitting down across from him. Once I started to dig in, I noticed him looking at me and I looked up and winked at him. He immediately winked back and giggled, returning to his salad.

"Hey, do you guys wanna go to a club tonight? Our friend, Hoseok, is performing. It'll be funnnnn." Jin said, shimmying his shoulders at the last part. Namjoon hit him in the back,

"Aish Jinnie, you're so weird sometimes," he said while rolling his eyes. Jin snorted, but snuggled closer to Namjoon anyway.

"We'd love to!" Tae piped up, "are you coming, Jungkookie?" He asked me, pleading with his eyes. I couldn't handle his cuteness sometimes.

"Of course hyung, I gotta go back to my room to change real quick, but I'll meet you guys in the lounge downstairs." I said, getting up.

"Oh Kookie, wait for me, I have to change too!" He walked up to me and looped his arm through my own. I smiled to myself, giddy at the warmth radiating from Taehyung. He always knew how to make me smile.

Once we were back in our room, I walked over to my closet and debated what to wear. I forgot to ask Namjoon and Jin what kind of club it was, so I didn't really know how to dress. I pulled out my favorite black skinny jeans and slipped them on. I took off my shirt, but realized I didn't have anything to wear; I just did the laundry, and everything was yet to be folded and hung. I sighed and looked down, unsure of what to do. Taehyung noticed my dilemma, and he walked over to me, his eyes noticeably raking over my abs.

"What's wrong, Jungkookie?" "I don't have anything to wear, hyung. Everything's in the wash." I whined. Taehyung sighed and walked back over to his closet. His parents were mega rich, so he was the class GuCCi boy. He whipped through his closet and pulled out a dark blue silk shirt, throwing it at me.

"Try that on, Kookie." I pulled the shirt over my head and admired the soft fabric. Tae's jaw dropped when he turned back around.

"You look hot. I should share my clothes with you more." He blurted out. I blushed and looked down, touched by the gesture of him sharing his clothes, and humbled by his compliment.

(what I was going for lol)

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(what I was going for lol)

I watched as Taehyung pulled off his shirt and pulled on a silver one, highlighting his hair.

(what I was going for again)

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(what I was going for again)

Taehyung noticed my staring and furrowed his brow in the the most adorable way ever. "Is something wrong Kookie? Do I look ok?" He asked, genuinely worried. I laughed at the thought that Taehyung thought he could ever not be the most handsome man on the earth.

"You look amazing Tae, as always." I felt my cheeks heat up along with his, smiling my bunny tooth smile at him.

Once we were ready, I ruffled my hair and dragged Taehyung out of our room, who would not stop asking if he looked okay. I flipped him onto the wall and bent down to his neck, smelling his watermelon shampoo.

"Don't you worry Tae Tae. You look delicious." I smirked when I saw his face flush, and I dragged him down the four flights of stairs to meet our friends. Jimin and Yoongi were sitting on a lounge chair, flirting subtly, while Namjoon and Jin were arguing about shotgun.

"You're a much better driver Joonie, I'll at least accompany you in the front." Jin stayed, crossing his arms.

"Oh no you don't babe, you know how much I hate driving." Namjoon shot back, smiling at their stupid argument.

"I drove last time pabo, it's your turn!" Jin shouted, stifling a giggle.

"That was weeks ago! And don't you call me pabo!" Namjoon picked Jin up like a potato sack and swung him around.

"Have some respect for your hyung, Joonie!" Jin yelled, pounding his fists on Namjoon's back. Namjoon turned Jin around so they were face to face, inches apart.

"Keep this up, and you won't be able to walk for a week." Namjoon said, loud enough for everyone to here. Jin gasped at the younger and pouted. He kicked the other's shins harshly before walking over to a corner.

"Aish, Jinnie I was joking, I love you!" Namjoon yelled, rubbing his shins.

"They act like such parents," Tae said, laughing. I looked at him and my heart melted at the sight of his beautiful rectangular smile. God dammit. I think I'm falling in love with him.

A/N: sry y'all I had to add some Namjin fluff cuz nAmJiN yEsS. Idk who would top in Namjin tho. Help 1111 words. <3

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