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A/N: Tae in a beret (heh, see what I did there) is honestly an aesthetic like uhm, yes pls

The sound of rushing water and the bright sun rays filtering through the blinds brought Taehyung out of his dream. He frowned and sighed, missing the fantasy already.

"Tae Tae, ah, come here." Jungkook called Taehyung over, smiling at him. Taehyung had a picnic basket in one hand, a Polaroid in the other, ready to take a picture at moment's notice. "Kookie-san, come help me with the food." Taehyung whined, shifting his weight. Jungkook walked back to him and giggled. His stark hair contrasted beautifully with his pale skin and rosy lips, making him look utterly gorgeous in the bright sun. He lifted Taehyung's chin with his index finger and smiled a devilish grin, "only if you can catch me." As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he sprinted away, running into the forest. Taehyung dropped the basket and camera and ran after him.

"You're really gonna get it now, Jeon Jungkook!" He chased after him, gaining speed. When he was close enough, he picked the raven up by his waist, and tickled his sides. They collapsed, out of breath from running and their laughter. They laid down next to each other and turned their heads to face each other. "I love you my Tae Tae," Jungkook said, smiling. "I love you, my Kookie," Taehyung said back.

.Forever and Always.

Taehyung was jolted out of his reminiscing of his recent dream by Jungkook, calling to him. "Tae Tae? I left my towel on my bed, could you grab it for me?" Taehyung blinked back to reality, and walked over to pick it up, bringing it to the slightly ajar door. He handed the outstretched hand the towel and chuckled. He is too cute. Taehyung thought to himself.


The bell rang as class started, and Tae and Kookie slipped into their seats in the back. "We will be doing partner projects today, class, your partner assignments are on the wall, you may go check them now." Once the teacher sat back down, everyone rushed to the small piece of paper. Taehyung got there first, and saw him and Jungkook were partners. "Kookie! We're partners!" He high-fived Jungkook, and they walked back to their seats together.

Once the class had settled down. The teacher spoke up. "You guys will be creating some kind of creative piece, whether it be artwork, music, or writing, I don't really care," the teacher shrugged, earning a laugh from the students, "projects are due Friday, good luck." The bell rang just as she finished her speech. The two joined up with Jimin and Yoongi, and headed to the cafeteria for dinner.

"Jinnie, ah, you know I love you, but why can't we do a music piece?" Namjoon complained. They were partners for the project, and couldn't make up their minds on what to do.

"I want to do a short story," Jin half-yelled, flailing his arms. Bystanders threw him weird looks, and he blushed, realizing people were watching.

"Fine, fine." He sighed. "No sex for you for three days," Jin mumbled quietly, but still loudly enough for the gang to hear. "As if you could last that long without my love." Namjoon shot back, giving Jin a peck on the lips. Jin pouted and crossed his arms, finally seeing the four of them standing there. Heat immediately rushed to both boys' faces, and the four burst out laughing, even Yoongi choking back a laugh.

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's wrist, dragging him over to get food. "Such parents, am I right?" Jungkook laughed nervously, focusing solely on the electricity radiating from their skin.

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