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A/N: tysmmmm for 200+ reads <3

~taehyung pov~

I saw Jungkook sipping his drink across campus, and I quickened my pace towards him. "Kookie, ah, hey," I waved at him and he smiled, his adorable bunny teeth in full view. He turned around again, and I noticed he was talking to Jennie, and they were laughing. I gave him a small back hug, and he jumped, spilling some of his hot chocoate on me. The hot drink mildly burned me, and I winced in pain. "Oh my god, Tae I'm so sorry," he grabbed a napkin and started padding at my chest. I blushed a little bit, and chuckled. I reached to stop him by holding his wrist, but I missed and grabbed his hand instead. We both flushed deep red, and I laughed awkwardly.

~jungkook pov~

I turned around to see Taehyung walking towards me. I smiled and waved at him, sipping my hot chocolate. I'm not much of a coffee drinker, I much prefer hot chocolate. I was talking with Jennie when I felt a warm embrace wrap around my back. I jumped a little and blushed, giggling. When I turned around, his chest hit my drink, and I spilled a little on his white shirt. I immediately grabbed some napkins and tried to clean it, repeatedly apologizing.

After a minute or two of repeated scrubbing, I looked up to see Taehyung smirking down at me, a twinkle in his eye. "Thanks, Kookie, I thinks it's ok now." I blushed, and blushed even harder when he reached to stop me, but ended up holding my hand. He laughed it off awkwardly and I looked down shyly. When I looked up, I nearly jumped out of my socks when he began to pull of his shirt. In the middle of campus. He pulled it up, exposing his delicious abs. I heard Jennie giggle behind me, and I stifled one of my own. I felt a subtle nudge behind me, and was partially glad in that moment that I had told her of my feelings for Tae. I looked back over at him, and jumped subtly when i realized his shirt was completely off. A group of girls nearby practically screamed their faces off, and a passing boy whistled. A small feeling welled in my stomach, and i didn't like everyone looking at Tae. My Tae. I pulled him closer and gave him the sweater tied around my waist. "Put on a shirt, you tease," I laughed at him. He smiled his innocent box smile at me, and my doubts were immediately swept away.

He slipped on my shirt and grabbed the hot drink still in my hand, taking a sip. "What? I don't get any after you spilled half of it on me?" I blushed and took back the drink, taking another sip. Call me weird, but it made me feel connected to him. "Sorry, i gotta go," Jennie said behind me, i turned around, suddenly remembering she was there. "Oh, I'll see you later then." I mumbled. As she was walking away, she turned around and winked at me, mouthing the words, "hot damn." I giggled and turned back to Taehyung. He checked his watch, and sighed, "c'mon Jungkookie, we're gonna be late to class." He dragged me by the arm, and I enjoyed the beautiful sight of Kim Taehyung in my sweater.

"Try to be more punctual, boys," the teacher looked at us as we walked into class a few minutes late. I saw Yoongi give Tae a look, but I shrugged it off when the teacher continued her lecture. "Projects should be ready for presentation at the end of class Friday, and we will begin presentations Monday." When she was finished talking, everyone erupted into chaos, getting materials for our projects. We had decided on a song, and I began working on the lyrics, Tae working on the tune.

The room was filled with chaos, guitars playing here, pianos there, voices here, laughter all around. I looked over at Tae, deep in his songwriting, and smiled. At that moment, he looked up at me and smiled back. "You doing okay there, Kookie?" I shook my head, "I dunno, I'm having a little writers block." I sighed and put down my pencil. "Wanna hear what I have so far?" I immediately scooted closer, eager to hear what he came up with.

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