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It hurts. Everything hurts. My wrists, my thighs, everywhere I cut, burned, hurt myself. It was supposed to stop.
I stopped hurting myself.
But why does it still hurt?

-Taehyung POV-

The Saturday sun filtered in through our weak blinds, waking me. I groaned and rolled over, but a small migraine in the back of my head reminded me of last nights events.

"Mmmm, Jungkookie, ah. What happened?" I groaned, the headache was much more noticeable now, and I was seriously dehydrated. Jungkook groaned in response and covered his face with his pillow. I stumbled out of bed and pulled on a baggy sweater. Weird, I don't remember getting in bed last night. Whatever. I shrugged and walked over to the groggy Jungkook.

"Wake. Up. Jung. Kook. Wake. Up." I said, poking his defined abs.

A smile crept on what could be seen of his face. "Hyung, we don't have class today, why are you waking me up so early?" I chuckled and glance over at the clock. 9:32. "Jungkookie-ah. I thought we were going to look for jobs today," I said, raking my hands through my hair. He turned over to face away from me, when I realized he was wearing my shirt.

"Aish, Kookie, I didn't know lending you one shirt meant you could wear my other ones. He sat up quickly, 

"What?!" Once the words were out of his mouth, he looked down and realized he was indeed wearing my favorite gray sweater. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, hyung. I was really tired last night and I just pulled on the first thing I could find.

He reached to take off the shirt, but I stopped him. "Don't worry, keep it," i said, placing my hand on his, "You look better in it anyway." I smirked as he blushed, and inwalked over to the bathroom to get some aspirin.

-Jungkook POV-

When Taehyung came back, I had already pulled on sweatpants and a beanie, keeping his comfy sweater. It smelled of watermelon and happiness. If that even has a smell. I filled my lungs with his sweet scent. "Figured you'd need this after how drunk you got last night," Taehyung said as he handed me water and aspirin. I flushed and took the pills, mumbling my thanks.

When I returned from the bathroom, I found Taehyung lounging on his bed, now fully clothed. He was wearing a gray sweater with a giant heart on it and black sweatpants with a beanie and glasses. I have to give it to him. Guy knows how to dress. I realized I had been staring when he looked up, smiling at me. 

"You ready to go?" I asked, looking away. He sprung up out of his bed and pulled on some sneakers. "Next time we come home, we will be employed!" He exclaimed excitedly. He's so adorable. He pulled open the door for me, and I walked outside, immediately greeted by Namjoon and Jin making out.

"Eomma," Taehyung whined, kicking at Jin's feet. It seemed as if they both sighed at the same time, and Jin turned towards Taehyung. I laughed at Namjoon's sad expression because of the loss of contact. "What now, Tae?" Jin asked, annoyed. Taehyung merely giggled and grabbed me by the hand and dragged me down the hall. I waved apologetically to Namjin, ignoring the tingly warm feeling radiating from our latched hands. We came to a sudden stop, and my entire body smashed into Taehyung, toppling us over.

I shook my head and heard a groan from beneath me. I suddenly realized I was literally laying on top of my crush. I blushed a color I was sure resembled red wine, and fumbled to get up. I pulled Taehyung's outstretched hand, helping him off the ground. Before I could regain my balance, he pushed me against the dorm wall. 

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